Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Dilemma for a Worrywart.

Is never a good thing, i'll say.

I guess it's time I let the cat out of the bag with the reason on why am I in such a delimma. As much as most of u know, the period of time is where all of us are deciding to work or continue pursuing a degree. And my initial delimma is whether to get into a local uni (which I highly doubt that I can enter with my cGPA) or into a private Uni which cost an exorbit amount, most probably an arm and a leg, to futher my education.

To add up to this delimma, I finally recieved the call I have long waited for.

The call?

Yes, the call. The call from SIA that I went for the interview, last November. Due to me being in school, it took them 3 months to get back to me and it's extremely last minute I would say. So I've been notify that training starts on the 24th of december and suppose to be down at the training center to sign the bond with them on the 19th, which is tomorrow.

Am I happy about it?

I would say yes for that split second but after awhile, I start to realise the shit hole that the economy is going through right now. I mean it really look as bad as a mouldy bread and even smell as bad as a rotten egg. Even SIA is cutting flights, thinking of cutting pay and possible retrenchment.

Should I really take the risk?

As shallow as it may seem, SIA is something that I would like to do since young so is University, doing psychology. Friends is telling me to go for it as it is not somthing u can do when u are 30. It has an age limit. Whereas university u still can pursue it although it's through other alternative instead of the local UNI.

Hence the dilemma.

I've got less then 24 hours to actually decide on what to do.

what's right and what's wrong?

Will I regret it if I miss the chance?

I seriously have no idea.

The Whining Fat Cow
2:40 PM

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