Friday, February 13, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Hur Hur!!!

I need my dosage of House of night series...

Anyway, school has officially ended today (12th Feb, 2009). I am, once again, hitting yet another crossroad of my life. I have no idea what am I suppose to do. Part of me really hope that I can get into local uni which I can pay it with my parents CPF. The other part of me hope to persuit my dream.

This is the reason why I absolutely hate crossroads. Abso-blardy-lutely abhor it.

It seems that the path of our future lies at this point of decision. Whether are u able to flare like a firework with this 1 given life or be just mediocre and achieve nothing. It's not about becoming someone important like the President or a CEO. It's more of a self fulfilment, whether you have achieve what you want to achieve in this life.

Everyone of us have got an ultimate goal to achieve before we die. Be it a good housewife, see the world, be the best vet 1 can be or even a good provider for his/her family.

The 3 years of my poly life has concluded nicely. The last few months was unexpected and utterly fun and enjoyable. However, sadly all good things, similarly to the bad comes to an end. It's a bittersweet ending of a chapter in my life and equally bittersweet beginning of the unknown.

Regarding the future, I'm filled with trepidation and the path before me is blur and unclear. Will I be able to pick the right choice for my future?

At times like this I really wish the wise guy above, looking over all of us will at least show me what is in store for me. Which I believe will make thing much easier.


If only our life is planned and we can achieve what we all want without worries for cash, future and dreams. It might not be a bad thing with him providing us the chance to decide and choose but now, I really wish things are much more simple.

p/s: To mark the last day of school, I actually stayed around in school with friends and had a wonderful dinner filled with lameness (teletubbies, one piece, ultramen~ go figure!) and laughter that I bet I and starting to have abs. Pictures will be up pretty soon.

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The Whining Fat Cow
12:11 AM

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