Friday, January 30, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Oh my gosh!

My week has been so boring and mundane that I wanna kill myself.

Hmm... actually, to think of it, I don't really want to do that. I like the simplicity of things around. Waking up in the middle of the day (after lunch time that is), on the laptop, set my bottom down on the chair and starting surfing the net and watching series or I will be on my bed, re- reading my novels and maybe channel surf a little.

Bottom line, I'm been bumming around at home and lolling on my bed.

Yes! I think I can hear Harris's screaming that I am married to my bed. But's it damn good to spent time with my 'husband'. The two weeks before this I was so darn busy that I actually neglected him and I think he is feeling the tension between us. Every morning I would wake up with bruises on my knee. Damn sad can. See even my bed have moods.

Anyway, I eventually have time to watch American Idol and I think the novelty of it is beginning to wear out on me. Ya, it can be funny when some people are so extremely tone deaf and they are still insist vehemently that they are the next American Idol. I mean come on, I for 1 know that I am so tone deaf that I hate singing. In public. I still do sing, to my pillows that is, when nobody is home.

And then, there is the sob stories of individual. Well, I know~, it's an opportunity to let the superstars wannabe to shine.. like the one I had (Which of course is not singing) and they produce people like Jordin Sparks, The 2 Davids, Kelly clarkson..

Ok, you know what, I think I am begining to contradict myself. I better stop. I'm jest being random and finding things to write about.

Oh right! Lately I've been hooked onto Army Wifes and I actually finished watching the 2 seasons in a week. And I am still waiting for my Charmed.

Oh Oh! Now, I have this delimma because I want to get back something from this person but then the idea of meeting the person kinda disagree with me. Reason being, I'm ashamed. I have been thinking of so many ways to explain but there is never 1 way which is good.

Darn it! I think I deserved it for putting myself in this situation.

On another different note, I am still waiting for that blardy call! When will the call arrive? I am harping on it over and over and over again to myself that I think is it driving me nuts! Even my mom is asking me about it. Jeez!

As random as this post is, I think I'm ending it here.

Oh well! what can I say, Random is my middle name. So is procrastination.



The Whining Fat Cow
2:14 AM

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