Friday, February 29, 2008
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Yes, the exams are over and I'm back for good.
The lousy and abrupt ending post will once again flood this blog.
It's been so long. Ever since the really busy schedule that cause me to be all wacky and crazy totally living in the state of insanity. Never once I would ever thought that I would live life that way and trust me I never would wanna go through that ever again.
Because through out the whole time, you mind will be chatting with u incessantly ( no I'm not schizophrenic ) asking you have u done this, you have not done that, you are going to screw up you lab test with that performance, that is not good enough and you are so gonna fail. That was running through my mind for the whole 3-4 months after I screwed up BIG time for my term test.
Now, after being done with my sems exam, I think I did well enough to pass it. As for those project-based, It's all in the hand of god and the markers. I did what I can to pull my marks up and if I'm meant to remodule/supp it, then I'll be left with no choice. It's 2 more week for the result and all that I need to do now is ....
The Whining Fat Cow
7:04 PM

Saturday, February 16, 2008
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
All my dream will burst, like it had never happen before.
Thank you, complacency and procrastination, You totally screw my 2.2.
The Whining Fat Cow
12:46 AM

Thursday, February 14, 2008
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Who says being single and dateless on Valentine's day is pathetic?
Last year, I went out with a bunch of friends, this year I received flowers. I know after saying this, I'm definitely not gonna get anymore flowers on Valentine's day ever again. Oh well!
I think I'm actually quite lucky today. Even after having y floppy disc dying on me which lead me to be late for my presentation, I still manage to submit it on time.
When the lesson ending at 10.30am, we practically laze around in the canteen till we were extremely sleepy. Being in that state, I drag my entire body up to the class and waited for the quiz to start.
As usual, Qiudan and group enter the class 5 minutes late. However, there was actually a group of other people and before I knew it, Justin came in with a balloon. It was so malu ok. The group of people are actually from the bizen club and they were snapping picture away.
Although it was really embarrassing cause it make me really shy but I appreciate the gesture. Thanks guys! Really have a great laugh and not forgetting blush today.
Kenny and group also bought rose for all the ladies in the class. It was really sweet of them. 1 of it on Valentine's day must have already cost a bomb and they actually bought so many. I would really love to say, it's the thought that counts but who am I kidding. I love flowers. Thanks to them tooo~
And since P.S I love you is sold out, I'm now stuck home with random shot taken my Amos. Who flooded my phone with so many rubbish.
This here, is Amos Lim. Who is the mischievous one who took all the following pictures.
While we were all busy doing project, was was busy snapping away. Smart ass.All in all, today was a great day. I'm tired , I'm feeling sick in my stomach but I am happy. Now all I wish for valentine is to do well for my exams in 10 days time. Wish me luck and wish that I do not have to sup any of the paper.
The Whining Fat Cow
7:38 PM

Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Wahrao~ So long never blog, where is everyone? It's been only 10 days what! or maybe just 3 post a month but but I busy what. T.T
Anyway, guess what.
Tomorrow is the last day of school! 2.2 is FINALLY over.
Geez, you have no idea how I long for this day to arrive. Although it's not really official yet since I've got exams on 25th and 26th of February. At least there is no more project to rush, no crazy tutors who is so unprofessional and definitely lots of extra time to sleep in.
Ah! everything definitely smells sweeter now.
Although I've been really busy lately, I some how still manage to find time to meet up with my pal for CNY!This was taken before we all headed down to Chinatown. It was where Edwin got a temporary tattoo on is ankle. A playboy symbol tattoo.
Super gayish, we all had a laughing fits at that very moment when he actually decided to have the tattoo that serene had chosen for him.As usual, went visiting for the 1st 2 days of the new year, which was incredibly boring I must say. I guess the older you get, the worst it becomes. Not only the red packet decreases, the question however increases as time goes by.
And so, I spent the 3rd day staying home doing my mask which I submitted today =) and went over to Win's place for visiting.
To make things clear, I do not go visiting in shorts been wearing dresses for the pass couple of days and since Win's parent are not in, I then chose to wear short when I went over to bai nian.
Oh, did I mention that I actually won in mahjong and black jack. I don't usually win when I gamble but I must say, I was pretty lucky that day. And I'm sure that the there will not be a next time. No more gambling for moi.
Oh well, parents are screaming at me to lou hei, will be back soon. I promise.
Happy birthday everyone! It's the 7th day of CNY, which mean it's everyone's birthday as long as you are a human being. ;)
The Whining Fat Cow
8:04 PM

Sunday, February 3, 2008
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
I can finally breathe.
Although there is still a lot to do such as test, quiz, exams and also another project to complete which I have yet to start. I am still glad that so much stuff is over and done with. The pressure is starting to get me all cranky and bring forward my menopause. I'm serious.
Away with school, I know previously I've said that driving sucks, well, it doesn't anymore. The only thing now is that I drive like a fawn learning to walk. My turning still sucks, gear shifting sucks and I have no clue on how to park. I'm actually beginning to enjoy driving. Provided, I do not get this specific instructor that taught me once it was soOooO H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E that I felt like dying in the car.
So to sum up what I have been busy with recently, it's basically school, project, quiz, presentation, interview, driving and shopping. Oh chasing debts too! Yes, I've been busy, insanely busy.
As usual, I suck in ending of post, I'm gonna end it with a recent picture I've taken and also wishing everyone a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!!
The Whining Fat Cow
3:50 PM