Friday, July 24, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


hmm... I'm still alive and kicking people.

My job kinda drains up my free time and the only constant update that I have is via twitter. I must say twitter is pretty much a big part of me now.

Anyway, it's been a while since I've updated. I seriously doubt anyone will be intrested in how unlucky I am or the fact that friends who I find are the nicest being on earth to have a series of unfortunate event.

Awfully relatives, crazy working colleagues and basically a series of things one would never want to have in your life. Although I know that she's extremely affected bout it, some how she still manages to smile.

Kudos to u girl.. I really think you're one person too nice to deserve all this crap, we'll just have to brace thru the dark phase.

Job is still good however, I am so freaking careless and inexperienced which cause me loads of blunders and at times ovre trival matter I get chided off.. Ah the wonder of the working society and the culture..

The Whining Fat Cow
6:47 PM

0 Bites!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Man... I'm getting awfully inconsistent in blogging.

But how leh... I'm really tired and lazy. Every off day is so precious to me. I usually spent it our doing errands, Mani/Pedi or packing my room.

Ya, room is in a mess everytime I come back home..

I think u can deduce that from all the hotel pictures. I am so not a neat freak. Messy up the hotel is a way for me to feel more like home. So lonely u know.

K la i think if i continue on.. i'm gonna crash right here, right now. Been up for 26 hours.

Cairo pictures will be up real soon or maybe I shld Just like my FB link down.

>>>>>>Here's to FB<<<<<<

The Whining Fat Cow
3:08 PM

0 Bites!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Vids: MUST watch.

Damn... these clips sure do brighten my day.

We Belong Together!

Touch my Body!

The guy still look so confident at the end and throughout the song.

Indian Thriller!

Seriously! what are they thinking when they did this.

The Whining Fat Cow
1:00 AM

0 Bites!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Been so long.

I've just realise that it's been awhile since I have actually written anything up. However, it's not much of a difference la, with the standard of english that I am using and the abrupt ending for almost all the post, having photolog and whatnots is the best.

So much have happened on this flight and I've come to realise that the culture here is so different and complex that one will unknowingly step into a mine field. Backstabbing and rumors fly faster then the plane.

Conversation during breakfast made me wonder what the fuck have I gotten myself into. Some people are just basically insane and out to drive everyone bonkers.

At the split moment I have the dying urge to just give up but the debts will be insane.

How I wish I am back to school.

Photos of Cairo will be up once I am home. Weather was insane. If SG is hot, Dubai and Cairo is hell on earth.


The Whining Fat Cow
3:15 PM

0 Bites!