Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Usual rant

My dad is so straight forward and in your face.

The minute he came home, he told me if u wanna visit grams better do it soon. Her calling will be anytime soon.

It's so depressing to hear it though true. She can be chatting with you one minute and faint right before your eyes the very next.

she getting old, I cannot deny that and her heart is not strong enough to pump blood to the rest of the body parts with some of the vessel being clot. I just do not want the day to come. She brought me up, she tells me stories, she buy me candies and she protect me from my sis when she use to hit in me the past.

I know I haven't been really good lately. ( Gosh my throat tighten and vision blurred, thinking about the past.) I remember the reason why i like seeing lightning was that the very 1st time i see 1, she was standing by me talking to me about it. ( I shouldn't be doing this.. it's like she's gone and no she isn't she is still here and still with me)

It's like my day wasn't bad enough and my dad have to tell me this to make me feel guilty and depress.

This whole day has been nothing but horrible.

What is fucking wrong with me today?!?


The Whining Fat Cow
10:08 PM

0 Bites!

Monday, November 26, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Yes AR!!! I'm finally really really done with my mosaic.. up next a mask. Sigh what a life.

The Whining Fat Cow
10:28 PM

2 Bites!

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


1 month of hard work and it's soon to be done. LIKE FINALLY!

This is what I get from all the cutting.

Just pray that there will be no scar...

The Whining Fat Cow
1:34 AM

0 Bites!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


When your have the urge to tell you mom to stop nagging at you on whether have you eaten or not, think twice.

My mother was pestering me about lunch, asking me have I eaten for 5 mins consecutively. At the point in time, I find it really irritating and have this urge to ask her to stop nagging and i'll do it myself but somehow, I manage to stop myself and answer her nicely saying that I will have Mee Sua instead and continued being the couch potato and channel surfing (Saturday noon tv prog Suck big time).

After 5 long mins, she was still in the kitchen. I decided to check it out and..


She was cooking for me before she cook for herself. I was so shock and I was actually glad that I did not raise my voice at her. I was so touched that I gave her a great big hug haha. I've been hugging my mom so much recently that she called me a big baby.

Oh well.

I'm hug deprived.


The Whining Fat Cow
10:03 PM

0 Bites!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Hello hello!

I guess I haven been very consistent in blogging lately.

Going missing every 4-5 days and then coming back to with a very brief entry. Really makes me wonder what's the purpose of this blog.

Anyhooo. Things have been going on pretty fine. I have always like end of the year. Usually the last few months would be very calm despite the unpredictable weather ans extremely cold mornings. No surprises, no major argument nothing. Hence, there isn't anything much for me to rant and whine or to blog about.

This few days, I'm pretty held up with my mosaic. I seriously swear that after my project is submitted next Wednesday, the only time you see me using a scissors would be either I'm trimming my brows or opening my junk food. A month of cutting and pasting is more then enough for me. Every little piece is so tiny that I have to use a tweezer to pick it up. I can't wait to see the end of it.

Apart from Mosaic, I've been cutting classes, brooding over stuff that I can't control and studying for quizzes. I guess I have to take things throw in my way. Been praying like mad but the big man up there seems to have a different idea.

Whatever it is, I believe after this week or the next, I'll be busy as hell since we have yet to start on any of our project with deadline looming round the corner. It's time like this that makes me wish that it's holiday all over again.

Oh well. Wish me luck guys, will be back next week, hopefully.


The Whining Fat Cow
7:05 PM

0 Bites!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Here Again!


I must say this year CCN day is inferior as compared to the last. The BZE were forced to participate in the CCN day and the stalls end at block 15. That is like damn short la.

Anyway pictures.

Haha!. The mobiles.

FYI: I drew the hotdog bun and I painted it and I coloured it. Don't you think I'm artistic. HAHAHA.

Half way through, Evelyn pop by. All I can say is absences makes the heart grow fonder. It's been so freaking long since I last saw her. I was shrieking and immediately hug her.

After this CCN day, all i can say is - IT SUCKS. haha. Damn tiring ok. All the screaming, the noise level and all.

Ok la it's not that bad la. I get to walk around chatting with people who I will nv take notice of.

Alrighty that's all folks.

The Whining Fat Cow
12:10 AM

0 Bites!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Birthday Shoutout.,

Happy Birthday Evelyn!

Although I dread turning 20 and then 21, you on the other hand can't wait to be 21. Weird! but I love u all the same. Now, we officially know each other for 10 years haha. Damn if that doesn't sound old, I don't know what will.

Whatever it is, Happy birthday girl. May you have the best birthday ever filled with non bias activity, cute lil bro who is innocent (which u and i know that it's totally impossible) and of course that bright smile of yours to be brighter then ever.


The Whining Fat Cow
5:59 PM

0 Bites!

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Rumble Jumble

Heya!!! Miss me?

It's been a week since I last came in here and wrote all my nonsense down. Well all I can say is I've be lazy, busy and sickly.

Just yesterday, I had the most god-awful stomach ache that at that precise moment I just wish I could rip it out or just die. It was so excruciating that I could hardly stand, I can't sit, I can't lie. All I know was that I was seeing white, covered in cold sweat like I just come out of the shower and I have yet to towel myself dry. It was that bad and I'm not even exaggerating. This is the 2nd time I have experience this.

A irritating throbbing headache 2-3 times every week, I can handle. This, No Way!

Anyway, I caught Game Plan. It's damn nice. Although at the beginning of the movie, I was thoroughly piss of by this guy front of me. He was sitting so straight that all I can see was his freaking head.

Now, you tell me, who in the world sit up so straight when watching a movie. I bet If I did not ask him to sit lower, he will be in this position for the full 120 mins of the movie. Next movie that I'm going to watch is Stardust.

Oh right, lately I have been really busy. Busy with my cds. We are suppose to do a mosaic, A3 size within a month. So knowing that by then I would have tons of project to complete I'm basically rushing through like mad with it.

This is only what i have for 4 days. yes it's ugly. So What. haha.

alright people. I've been doing this post for hours. it's already 10pm now. I'm totally distracted my Leona Lewis. Gawd! she's the best singer ever.

Bubye now.

The Whining Fat Cow
5:51 PM

0 Bites!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Something I drew to seek inspiration for my art project. In order to do that, I, of course drew my fave flower.

The Whining Fat Cow
9:43 PM

0 Bites!