Friday, January 30, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Oh my gosh!

My week has been so boring and mundane that I wanna kill myself.

Hmm... actually, to think of it, I don't really want to do that. I like the simplicity of things around. Waking up in the middle of the day (after lunch time that is), on the laptop, set my bottom down on the chair and starting surfing the net and watching series or I will be on my bed, re- reading my novels and maybe channel surf a little.

Bottom line, I'm been bumming around at home and lolling on my bed.

Yes! I think I can hear Harris's screaming that I am married to my bed. But's it damn good to spent time with my 'husband'. The two weeks before this I was so darn busy that I actually neglected him and I think he is feeling the tension between us. Every morning I would wake up with bruises on my knee. Damn sad can. See even my bed have moods.

Anyway, I eventually have time to watch American Idol and I think the novelty of it is beginning to wear out on me. Ya, it can be funny when some people are so extremely tone deaf and they are still insist vehemently that they are the next American Idol. I mean come on, I for 1 know that I am so tone deaf that I hate singing. In public. I still do sing, to my pillows that is, when nobody is home.

And then, there is the sob stories of individual. Well, I know~, it's an opportunity to let the superstars wannabe to shine.. like the one I had (Which of course is not singing) and they produce people like Jordin Sparks, The 2 Davids, Kelly clarkson..

Ok, you know what, I think I am begining to contradict myself. I better stop. I'm jest being random and finding things to write about.

Oh right! Lately I've been hooked onto Army Wifes and I actually finished watching the 2 seasons in a week. And I am still waiting for my Charmed.

Oh Oh! Now, I have this delimma because I want to get back something from this person but then the idea of meeting the person kinda disagree with me. Reason being, I'm ashamed. I have been thinking of so many ways to explain but there is never 1 way which is good.

Darn it! I think I deserved it for putting myself in this situation.

On another different note, I am still waiting for that blardy call! When will the call arrive? I am harping on it over and over and over again to myself that I think is it driving me nuts! Even my mom is asking me about it. Jeez!

As random as this post is, I think I'm ending it here.

Oh well! what can I say, Random is my middle name. So is procrastination.



The Whining Fat Cow
2:14 AM

0 Bites!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Kids today. Kids yesterday.

You know, I just came back from the hypermarket and I seriously think I have a problem with kids ages between 6-15.

Yes, lower secondary school student, to me they are still kids. I mean I do not have problems with those really gentle and obedient one or to some, the geeks and nerds. Anyway, I was at the hypermarket and there was this girl about 6, whose fingers are so itchy, that she practically destroyed a packet of mushroom luh! She was pinching the mushrooms head to mish mash. Can you believe it!

I wanted to snatch the packet away but before I could do it, she walked away to her mom. Oh my god! At that instant, I have a dying urgh to 'Piak' her hand lightly and tell her not to do it.

Yes, yes, they are kids. But what the heck. It is still not their property to destroy. Now who is gonna buy the spoilt mushroom? Her parents? I seriously doubt so.

I think I am sick!. I can't believe I hate kids. I guess I have be hanging around 1 that gets on my nerves day and night relentlessly. That kids, to me now, who misbehaves just totally gets on my nerves.

Anyway, away with that un-pleasantry, there are some pics I wanna share during the event of project stress.

The first pic wanna share is...








Shafiq! Haha! The guy who everyone loves to hang around with unless, of couse you get really, really irriated with. Kidding pal! haha. He actually place his laptop bag on his head for a period of time la.. Lol. He even did some freaking dumb things like bowing his head like a japanese saying goodbye or dancing to the music with it. Gosh! You're the man.

Anyway, the pictures that all come after this are no longer funny. That's the only funniest pic have. I tell you stress makes up do stupid things.

Ok~ and I am putting this up is because I want to know who took this? Shafiq! must be you right. This is actually after me soaking my dearest ear pieces into my coffee and they were telling me not to get too work up and be suicidal over it.

And luckily for me, my mentor from China came back home recently and I got him to get me this! Oh man, you have no idea how much I missed Glico's pejoy chocolate stick. Been munching on this throughout.

I'm so glad that we have finally submitted all the report and now we are left with all the minor stuffs like presentation, interview, programming and quiz to do.

Ok.. that is still like alot to do but at least not that bad I guess.

I am so gonna miss the last 4 months of poly that I had, despite all the unpleasant things that I had to go through initially. It made me learn alot. Although it still doesn't seems that I have changed, I am still as demanding, sometimes rude and insensitive. I am trying to be a better person. Well, the first step to change is by admitting it.

I'm SooOoo Gonna miss you guys man! And we are left with only 3 weeks.

Time really do fly when you least expected it.

hur hur! how?!?

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The Whining Fat Cow
12:41 AM

0 Bites!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Deadline at 5pm.

Everyone is stressed and doing last minute work. Me, I was out being a klutz, soaking my ear piece into my 3rd cup of coffee.

Now, my ear piece not only smell of coffee.. (Mm... coffee flavour ear piece, intriguing, must be delicious) it is a ticking time bomb to ruin.


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The Whining Fat Cow
12:54 AM

0 Bites!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Me: Mummy, can you believe that I'm getting denise to help me with my work
Mom: *ponders for a bit*
Mom: 我看啊,这三年来,你这三个月比较象有读书。
Translate - I think among this 3 years in poly, this 3 month you look more like you are studying.
Me: Huh!

Great so what have I been doing all this year? Can anyone tell me that?

I guess only when I procrastinate all my work to the end, than working my ass off, only then she will see that I am studying.

Oh well!


The Whining Fat Cow
10:44 PM

0 Bites!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


In about a week time, all of my project will be submitted. In this period of hectic-ness with everyone in a state of frenzy, one can't wait for it to end so as to heave a sigh of relief.

But, once you begin to think about it, it would be really soon before things come to an end. In fact, in about 5 weeks time, Badabing Badaboom, I will be school-less.

The what's next?

I have actually went to interview for a job which some of you might already know. However, since no confirmation was given, I have no wish to disclose it just as yet. You know, just in case I jinx it myself. It is just something that I want to do since I was young but what about education?

Making decision is what I'm worst yet. The pressure of conforming with the society like getting a degree after diploma by 25 and so on. Once in a while I am very sure of what I want to do next but ever so often, I'm confused.

Should I delay my education for a couple of years which by then I would be 24-25 before I go get myself a degree and then it will end at what 27 - 28?

Gosh that is old. I'm worried. Many would know that I worry way too much. But I really am. What about the following stage in my life of having a family. My own family. As often as I said that I have no intention of having 1 or getting married but let's be frank who do not need companionship?

Alas~ Life is about pursuing our dreams and opportunity like what I had, only come only so rarely. Cliche much? But that is what I usually tell people when they would to ask me what I want to do. I do not want to regret making the wrong decision.

Should I pursue my dreams or should I conform to the society which is basically my comfort zone.

If I would to go ahead with the route of University, What should I pursue?

Initally, I have all the intention of doing Psychology but many advise me not to as it is something that you have to go all the way, like PhD?

Me?! Doctorate of philosphy? More like permenant head damage!!!

How in the world can I achieve that. Plus where do I get the capital or the time for it? By then I would be like what? Mid 30 to 40?

Should I get a double major if I would to pursue it? I'm currently considering Psychology with Business but... Sigh I have no idea.

Cross roads!

To conform or follow my dreams?

It sucks. My future is really in a blur.

I really wish that I am a guy at this moment. At least they do not have youth limitation. The older they get, the better they become. It's alright for them to get married late but for the females, they will be know as old maid.

GAH!!!!!!! I hate this world and their rule.

And now, I have to get back to my never ending projects.

Grams, if by chance you get to read this where ever you are, tell me what should I do for the next step and I also wanna say I still really misses you alot.

Love you grams.

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The Whining Fat Cow
11:16 PM

0 Bites!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Dumb move.

In this period of time, every TP student are rushing to finish their projects on time with deadline in just days. Not to mention my group is too.

For the past few days, my laptop is my ultimate best bud. I would have no idea what would happen to me if it "touchwood" crashes. This is us being really hard at work. working on Service Quality's 5000 words report.

Or so we wanna make you have the impression that we are indeed doing it. Obviously I wasn't since I was walking around taking stupid pictures.

But lo and behold, our working on report eventually became playing of counter strike. Good job mates!

All five of us were having so much fun that we made so much noise (well especially me of course, I die I scream, I win I scream).

Hence, we are left with much to do over the weekends since our ultimate aim is to finish this damn project by sunday so that we will be able to move on to the next project with the same deadline.

But guess what, I'm actually wasting my time away blogging and reading up people blog. Not forgetting getting hooked to my cous's blogging about my adorable nephew.

All is well, except that I have such hilarious group mates that most of the time I'll be laugh so hard that I could feel my abs forming. Or could be so mad but eventually will still end up laughing really really hard.

And then today! My beautiful mouse decided to die on me and I had to go get a new peachy pink mouse. Sigh!

Anyway, despite all the projects and quiz, we were also required to browse through recruit to look for a job so as to come up with a cover letter and resume for Career Communication. As my printer usually works well on any other day, I decided to print out my resume so as to save time but only to find out the the printer ran out of ink and my photo looks horrible.

I decided to submit that copy as it is without reprinting it since it was just a brief check before the final marking since I know I would be editing it and reprinting it all over again. Save ink save paper.

What I had in return got me laughing till I was out of breath and even till now thinking about it never fails to crack me up. I would never have expected a lecturer to write such a thing which made it 10 times funnier.

The lecturer wrote:
"Poor Photo. U look as green as Incredible Hulk. Pls get a better photo!"

Go have a good laugh! I know I did.

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The Whining Fat Cow
9:30 PM

0 Bites!

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Goodies from TP

Oh yay!

A new year! and TP just totally made my new year Super Duper exciting. Just like a road trip to hell good.

With the upcoming deadlines, assignments and quiz it will be a miracle if I do not suffer a nervous breakdown.

3 Project deadline next Friday, with Service Quality 5000words report, Supply Chain 15 page report (which till now, I have no clue what is needed nor the format is like) and CRM audit which requires programming.

2 Quizzes, with 1 down and 1 to go and no time to study.

Yay Me! Yay TP!

It's the biggest 'ang pao' one could ask for, for CNY!

The Whining Fat Cow
12:41 AM

0 Bites!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

New year, New clothes!


Just like that the title said. Getting new outfit to help me battle the new year of rollercoaster ride.

Anyway, to the measely amount of female readers we all understand that online shopping is the way to go.

This is a spree which I cam currently going to for my occasional shopping itches.

Pick Ur Choice

I would say the seller is actually quite nice to shop with. She's friendly, reliable and patient. Even when I have trouble with my order, we would eventually come to a optimal decision that benefits both parties.

I would recommend this site into your list of online sprees. And do check back for I believe new item will be up quite often.

The Whining Fat Cow
11:12 PM

0 Bites!