Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Ubin leftover.

Rash from UBIN! (plus 2 injuries from the fall I had there)


Been kinda busy lately, will post up Ubin pictures ASAP when I received it.


The Whining Fat Cow
9:36 PM

0 Bites!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Dilemma for a Worrywart.

Is never a good thing, i'll say.

I guess it's time I let the cat out of the bag with the reason on why am I in such a delimma. As much as most of u know, the period of time is where all of us are deciding to work or continue pursuing a degree. And my initial delimma is whether to get into a local uni (which I highly doubt that I can enter with my cGPA) or into a private Uni which cost an exorbit amount, most probably an arm and a leg, to futher my education.

To add up to this delimma, I finally recieved the call I have long waited for.

The call?

Yes, the call. The call from SIA that I went for the interview, last November. Due to me being in school, it took them 3 months to get back to me and it's extremely last minute I would say. So I've been notify that training starts on the 24th of december and suppose to be down at the training center to sign the bond with them on the 19th, which is tomorrow.

Am I happy about it?

I would say yes for that split second but after awhile, I start to realise the shit hole that the economy is going through right now. I mean it really look as bad as a mouldy bread and even smell as bad as a rotten egg. Even SIA is cutting flights, thinking of cutting pay and possible retrenchment.

Should I really take the risk?

As shallow as it may seem, SIA is something that I would like to do since young so is University, doing psychology. Friends is telling me to go for it as it is not somthing u can do when u are 30. It has an age limit. Whereas university u still can pursue it although it's through other alternative instead of the local UNI.

Hence the dilemma.

I've got less then 24 hours to actually decide on what to do.

what's right and what's wrong?

Will I regret it if I miss the chance?

I seriously have no idea.

The Whining Fat Cow
2:40 PM

0 Bites!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Last day of school!

12th of Feb

Dinner at Popeye


The Whining Fat Cow
2:38 PM

0 Bites!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Hur Hur!!!

I need my dosage of House of night series...

Anyway, school has officially ended today (12th Feb, 2009). I am, once again, hitting yet another crossroad of my life. I have no idea what am I suppose to do. Part of me really hope that I can get into local uni which I can pay it with my parents CPF. The other part of me hope to persuit my dream.

This is the reason why I absolutely hate crossroads. Abso-blardy-lutely abhor it.

It seems that the path of our future lies at this point of decision. Whether are u able to flare like a firework with this 1 given life or be just mediocre and achieve nothing. It's not about becoming someone important like the President or a CEO. It's more of a self fulfilment, whether you have achieve what you want to achieve in this life.

Everyone of us have got an ultimate goal to achieve before we die. Be it a good housewife, see the world, be the best vet 1 can be or even a good provider for his/her family.

The 3 years of my poly life has concluded nicely. The last few months was unexpected and utterly fun and enjoyable. However, sadly all good things, similarly to the bad comes to an end. It's a bittersweet ending of a chapter in my life and equally bittersweet beginning of the unknown.

Regarding the future, I'm filled with trepidation and the path before me is blur and unclear. Will I be able to pick the right choice for my future?

At times like this I really wish the wise guy above, looking over all of us will at least show me what is in store for me. Which I believe will make thing much easier.


If only our life is planned and we can achieve what we all want without worries for cash, future and dreams. It might not be a bad thing with him providing us the chance to decide and choose but now, I really wish things are much more simple.

p/s: To mark the last day of school, I actually stayed around in school with friends and had a wonderful dinner filled with lameness (teletubbies, one piece, ultramen~ go figure!) and laughter that I bet I and starting to have abs. Pictures will be up pretty soon.

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The Whining Fat Cow
12:11 AM

0 Bites!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


I can't tell how much I have been enjoying myself of late. Been going out on such regular basis that I think my parents, expecially my mom is freaking out. Wondering what the Heck is wrong with the daugher who can stay home for a freaking year and only going out like once every 2 months.

Ya! That happened to me when I was retaking my O's. I didn't even went out to work. Basically, I was just rotting at home for that entire year.

Ah!... those wonderful days.. Which I do not want to experience it again. Totally wasted like a year of my youth.

Anyway, here are the things that I have done lately and the events coming up next.

7th of Feb, Sat - Shopped till I burnt a hole in my wallet.
8th of Feb, Sun - Movie and driving around Sg.
9th of Feb, Mon - Shopped till I burnt a even bigger hole in my wallet
10th of Feb, Tues - Went to school, screwed up my quiz and went for dinner and road trip with my fellow TP mates.


23rd of Feb, Mon - Ubin Trip!

So here are the pictures for the 8th of Feb trip.

After watching "Underworld, the rise of the lycans" which by the way is the most gruesome show, ever. We spent the rest of the time at e-hub, playing arcade. Bzz, Ya I know, I don't look like the arcade kind but it's once is a blue moon thing. Maybe twice.

Competiting to see who will be playing Para para!

Then it was down to Jalan Kayu for supper. Pratas and Rojak, fit for 6 person.

And then, some how we ended up in Genting, whereby the wind is freaking cold and strong.

So that's all folks,

Till I go out again, which I believe will be soon.

More pictures can be found on Facebook!!

Yayness to Facebook.

The Whining Fat Cow
5:13 PM

0 Bites!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Oh No!!!

I spent yet another bomb today.

$40 on a mascara.

$22 on a crystal tear eyeliner.

$50 on a pair of sandal.

$33 on a jacket/coat.

Oh no!!!

Some one please stop me!!!

Like seriously!!!

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The Whining Fat Cow
9:48 PM

0 Bites!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Hey, people! I am back to blog..

In a week time, or should I say in 5 days time, we TP-ians will be known as graduate, unofficially. Till the day we are back in school to collect our diploma certs.

Oh man! These 3 years went by just like that, in a flash. I think lately I have been talking about this so many times till I think I am really becoming a Whiny Fat cow.

Anyway, to celebrate the end of all my project and the what nots despite having 2 more quizzes and 1 possible interview next week (which I highly doubt that I will be choosen). A hardcore shopping is in order!

I actually bought all these items in the span of 5 hours! No, make that 4. All this chalked up to a whopping 150 bucks. Thank god, for gift certificate that I received on my 21st birthday.

One day, heavens should really rain cash n notes in Pounds and not Zimbabwen dollars. Seriously.. Zimbabwe dollars are like freakingly erm... useless? With SGD 1 u can actually buy Z$ 1.6 octillion. OCTILLION leh! I have never come across value that go way pass trillion and here we have Octillion.

How many zero's can Octillion hold? Octillion is like 10 to the power of 27 lor, it's like 1 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000. And an egg actually cost 50 billion,50 000 000 000 000. If you knock of all the zeros and divide by 50 for the egg, you can like buy your own chicken farm plus maybe a duck and pig farm can! With Sgd 1 bucks.

Imagine we would to sell our hdb flat here and move over there I think am like the freaking something-illionair lor. And any Tom, Dick, Harry, Sue, Ann, or Mary who goes there will get kidnapped and ask for ransom money. If you are interested to read the report, here it is.

Anyway, really kudos to the person who caused this. At least on the brighter note, he is still optimistic for this is what he said "What keeps me bright and looking forward to every days is that it can't get any worst."

Duh! You have to actually knock off all the zero's from their trillion to make it into single digit. Can it get any worst?

Just before I end this post, here's a cute phrase that I wanna share and also keep for my own when I actually re-read all my post.

"Whenever you feel you are useless, just remember that you are the fastest sperm out of a million...."


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The Whining Fat Cow
11:56 PM

0 Bites!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Shirleen is (too much FB-ing)

really upset with her parents!

Like seriously!

Am I always that unreliable? Am I not able to take care of myself? How long do they have the intention to keep me behind lock door for? Till I am 50?


Fucking Pissed!

Don't you just hate it when your friends are happily planning to go overseas for vacation, be it some place near and when they ask u whether would u like to go and you are definitely eager for the trip. Than your parents have to ruin it all by forbidding you to go.

It's freaking annoying and UGH!!! there is no words to describe it!

What is worst is that one of the main reason for not allowing me to travel with my friends is because, if they would to let me, my sister would follow suit.

So, tell me who should I be annoyed with? My sister or my parents or it's just my luck that I have overly possessive parents (which is still my parents). Or they are just dragging my sibs in so that I have be upset with all of them together!

Or maybe my Freaking ANNOYING brother for interrupting the conversation by saying I will only be allowed to go at 25. (It's SO fucking not funny ok!) If this continues on, even if I would to have all the money in the world, I would not be able to see the world till when I am 80 and dead!

Only then, maybe I can travel as a wondering spirit. Plus if after-life really exist. See, I can't definitely even do that!

I understand that all they want to do is to keep me safe by not allowing this trip since they are not by my side to care and look out for me but seriously! I'm fully a legal adult who is capable to make myself grow fats during the 3 months stay in China and them not being by my side not even losing a single strand of hair (apart of me brushing them).

I can't even travel to neighbouring countries such as Bintan, BATAM!!!! (can you believe it?) or Genting alone with friends. Not even Johor, mind you.

I have no idea how many times i have disappointed my friends, cliques and all, due to this.

I know, I am currently acting very childish and throwing tantrums like a god-forsaken teenagers (who I said I hate most). But can you blame me? And I believe if I would to bring this up to my mother, she would tell me "You are not yet a mother, so you would have no idea how we feel."

Great lor!

Win le!

How am I to argue back?

If by being the eldest in the family meant that I cannot travel or just plainly do stuff till my sibs are officially legal to, then u know what.. I doubt I can go anywhere till I am 34 when my brother is officially a legal adult.

Then thanks! but no thanks. I am willing to let thi spot up for anyone who thinks that being the elderest get the best in everything. More like best in taking all the blames, high expectation, scoldings, being the perfect (as perfect as 1 can be) rolde model.

You know how much stress there is?

I can go on and on an on ranting about this but it will go no where so I am going to end here and hope that I don erupt on my parents.


The Whining Fat Cow
8:37 PM

1 Bites!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


To reveal the mystery of my pervious post note. Click Here!

I was laughing to myself so much, thinking how deluded the person who imitated all those people. I mean come on la! lol It's so obvious.

But then kudos to the person who actually manage to come up with this an combining so many different writer's, writting style.

Alrighty, I think I am going back to have my coffee and my project.



The Whining Fat Cow
1:58 PM

0 Bites!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

CNY ..

As much as I have been going on an on about the unnatural lost of excitement and anticipation for the lunar new year, I think I'm am doing pretty well with the monetary section.

When over to Edwin's place for a round of steamboat. It was actually pretty fun, good company, lame game, good food and lost a great deal of money in blackjack. I lost about 7 bucks within 30 mins. Since I am not some one who gamble (knowing that I suck in it that is) this is the highest lost that I have accumulated in 1 game in my life.

Anyway, here are the pictures for the trip. I think I was really hapy about the meet up hence there a quite a number of well taken pictures, despiste some of it showing my lumpy body.

You know that your friend is crazy when he decided to put on so many watches n accessories.

Plus 2 glasses and many more necklaces.

Big head Serene.

ok tata! I'm deadbeat.

P.S: Was reading several blogs. It's weird to find ppl with similar writting style. Odd isn't it, people vying to outdo each other, nothing seems to be original anymore.


The Whining Fat Cow
11:41 PM

0 Bites!