Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Today is the warmest day ever. EVER. So freaking warm and humid.

And I have got 4 hours of tuition tomorrow today and one which I don even feel comfortable with the pressure. GOD!

Yes, yes I know my posts seems to be getting shorter and shorter.

Hell, it's better then no post at all isn't it?

The Whining Fat Cow
3:40 AM

0 Bites!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

I dreamt that I was shot not once, not twice but a freaking 11 time. The weirdest thing is that I wasn't even bleeding and I could feel the bullets in me. This is INSANE. I could even wait for a whole 24 hours before going to the A&E with no extreme pain.

Am I going crazy?


The Whining Fat Cow
6:10 PM

0 Bites!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Never the same.

My cousin, Yi sheng, art project that my cousins(Jing yi) and I decided to improve it a little.
A Old Stingray, without tail.

You know that things aren't looking good when your grams room are shifted to the 1st floor instead of the 2nd.

Climbing a flight would causes so much pain and difficulty.

Sitting for a more then 5 mins would make your back hurts, making you lie on the bed so often.

It's no longer the same. It never will be the same as it used to be.

The Whining Fat Cow
7:39 PM

0 Bites!

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Was looking through my list of post. I've realize that among the many posts that I have publish, every once in a while there are several posts that are kept private.

I guess I am not as candid as I thought I would be.

Maybe I'm never one from the start.

The Whining Fat Cow
2:48 AM

0 Bites!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

I hate my tuition boys pie.

Caught "The Waitress" on Tuesday with Cam Cam before heading for tuition with a new kid. It was not a bad show actually BUT it's definitely not for some one who loves action and extreme hilarity (apart from the funny guy sitting a sit away from both Cam and I. We had a giggle fit caused by him) the show was pretty funny itself but the funny guy beside us tripled it.


Anyway, the movie left me craving for pies. The extremely delicious looking pie on the show with weird names.

For example.
Don't they just sound delicious? umm... Yummy.

And not forgetting a really funny scene =)

Earl: [while having sex] Say something sexy, baby, something nasty.
Jenna: [deadpan] What do you want me to say?
[he climaxes]

And Cam Cam I know the song le! And no more the 2 sentence that I kept on repeating. HAHA.
Baby don't you cry, gonna make a pie, gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle. Baby don't be blue, gonna make for you, gonna make a pie with a heart in the middle. Gonna make a pie from heaven above, gonna be filled with strawberry love. Baby don't you cry, gonna make a pie, and hold you forever in the middle of my heart.

With no pie anyway, all I have for my self is Famous Amos Double choc chip cookies for DINNER. A mouth of sweetness and a tang of bitterness. Yummy! Best cookies ever.



On Wednesday, Was out and about again. This time round it was to celebrate Benji's (stupid chicken, Ben ji) Birthday. =)

Went to Katong shopping center for a singing session. Obviously I wasn't doing the singing. I can't sing for nuts. Seriously! I'm tone deaf. Cammy, on the other hand sings like a pro. Heard Stef Sun? Yes, she sounds just like her. Gary ain't that bad either.

Anyway, this time round, we were 45 mins earlier then the guys. That's a first. So guess what were we doing?

Vain potS moment.

I really think this is the best picture ever, EVER. Faceless and all with only the mouth being visible. However, I wasn't really mirror staring. I had a lash from my Masaca in my eye and it was hell. I needed Ser's eye-mo to cure it. My nose became runny after that.

Brr... The horror of Mascara.

The guys claimed that they did not planned to wear black on that day. Hmm, trying really hard to be really convince.

Nah! I'm kidding.

The pictures of us wasn't really nice But what the hell right. Who in the world takes nice pictures all day and never once a bad shot. Not even Heidi Klum takes nice picture 24/7.

The singing session was really cheap. So cheap the you would think KBOX is actually a 6-star 'lounge' to sing. 3 hours in Katong cost the 6 of us 22 bucks. IN TOTAL.

22 bucks for KBOX is like only for per person. But the catch is that there is no service, no soft drinks but water and u have buy food in yourself. It's still a steal though.


Today, I had runs. Apparently I ate too much sambal last night with them when we were having dinner at 85. Well can you blame me? Going to 85 and not eating chili is like going to a desert and u see snow.

Anyway, was out again (this time being dragged by my mom) to town with my sister in tow. She however didn't went reluctantly. She even wanted to skip tuition just so she can have the time to go Bugis and spend more of my mom's cash.

Of course, It was a big No. haha Moreover I have a tuition at 4pm. (sad life). Went to spend a bomb in my facial product. About 300 bucks I think.

Don't look at me with that incredulous look. I know it's expensive but I'm getting old and I've been using that since I was what, 15?

Hazelnut latte!

Had lunch at TCC food was great. Hazelnut latte was best But I was too stuffed to finish it.

Being totally random, Britney spears is going BONKERS!!!!!!

ok bye.


Abrupt ending.

The Whining Fat Cow
12:18 AM

0 Bites!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


You know you suddenly become a rabbit when you are being told to finish up the vegetable and the carrots on the table.

2 days in a row.

The Whining Fat Cow
8:46 PM

0 Bites!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


I'm still alive. Very alive.

So much so that I'm nearly bored to tears. Due to my weir timing of tuition, I have no idea can I still get a part time job. Thinking about the interview with me telling them that every Monday and Thursday I can't work due to tuition is as nice as telling them I won't be able to place my full attention on the job.

This is so irritating! Anyway, I'll only be working for a month, who in the world would want to employ someone who is only able to work for a month?

I'm always having this problem during the holiday. But well, I wouldn't know till I try right. I guess I can start looking for a job or maybe I shall sleep on the idea itself.


Anyway, got back my result. As usual, GPA dropped. I doubt it will ever go up and my little bubble of dream of getting into a Uni burst, just like that. Fancy getting only an A, B, C+ and D+.

But then again I deserve the D+ for Decan. Remembered I said that I really screwed up for my decan. So yah! Left out quite a 25 marks and the rest was done pretty badly. Not forgetting the project.

Oh well, all that I can do now is to try harder for next sems then.

Feeling so pissed and no it's not because of the result.



The Whining Fat Cow
2:28 PM

0 Bites!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

10th sept. 2007

... calls the end of my years of ten's.

Bye bye ten's and HelloOoOo~ Twenties.

The feeling is trepidation, bewilderment and surreal.

Whatever it is, celebrated it with my cliques over at my place. My friends, my family. Love em all.


I look pregnant in this picture. It's the blouse. Anyway, the theme was white so all of us had to wear white. When I told cammy so, she said it was so PAP like. She's probably the only on who can think of this kind of stuff. But I love her all the same. haha.

The Food!So CNY like. Plus it was a day where all of us get together. A reunion dinner with full attendance!.

We'll all watching HSM2 while eating. Ok. it's more like the girls were doing the watching, the guys eating and commenting that we were watching kids show. Hilarious convey!.

Something/one missing from the pic? Well, fret not. Here he comes!







Zac Efron/troy looks like he got rape while Zieg pop up at my doorstep.

My mommy and lise helping out so that I can eat with my friends. They actually had to wait till we finish our meal before they could eat. Thanks mommy and not forgetting daddy dearest for the food.

Strawberry Shortcake. No chocolate cake this year. It tasted fanta-bulous-stic. I believe everyone feel the same.

Presents! Presents! Presents!

Love the card. Cammy always say that she can't draw and practically suck in art but LOOK! she drew several of my fave on the cards. With the ever extremely neat handwriting I'm totally in love with it. can't stop staring at it.

Love all the presy and the laughter! Ok I'm damn lazy to type so that's all

Happy 20th birthday.

Not forgetting All the wishes I had received today and yesterday.


Many hugs and kisses.


The Whining Fat Cow
9:55 PM

0 Bites!

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


I have no idea I was in for a surprise from mother nature, today till I draw the blinds in my room when I woke up.

The big ass Grasshopper was on the inside of the window when I draw the blinds. Imagine the shock I had. I literally jump a foot away from the window and started screaming. Lise came running and manage to shoo it out of the window. However it's still hanging there after 4 hours.

Shudder with fear.

Anyway, speaking of present, I received the 2nd present from a friend last night.

A guess clutch.

Thanks pal.

The Whining Fat Cow
3:22 PM

0 Bites!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.



I'm normal this month!

I'm so irregular that I must as well be a guy/man or abnormal.



I'm extremely bored. So.....

  1. Beds
  2. Tv
  3. Notebook
  4. Lamps.
  5. Books
  6. A/c
  7. Dvd Player


1. Do you like anyone?
- Not at the moment. (I think I'm gonna be a nun)

2. Does someone like you?
- I guess? Maybe, maybe not.
How would I know?

3. Last real crush?
- Eons ago. (I chose to believe it's eons ago)

4. Been lead on?
- I guess, ya.

5. Been cheated on?
- Nope, since none of my relationship ever last long.

6. Want a relationship?
- Maybe 4-5 years later.

7. Wanna get married?
- Still thinking. If there is a guy who I know is the one then definitely.


  1. Grams
  2. Friends
  3. MP3
  4. NoteBook
  5. Family
  6. Money
  7. Books/Novels


  1. Shit, I'm turning 20 soon.
  2. Got to catch the 6pm show on channel U
  3. Should I get a job b4 staying over at my friends place?
  4. When will I clear my Driving License Test and all?
  5. Will my friends feel bored on Sunday when they are over for dinner at my place?
  6. Why does my mom seems to neglect me so much?
  7. What will I do after Poly?
  8. How did I fare for this semester?
Yes I know it says & but alot is on my mind =)

Do You:

1. Believe in God?
- well, ya. But I believe in science.

2. Had a dream come true?
- Yup, a couple. Mostly material stuff. In other aspects, No.

3. Read the newspaper?
- Yes.

4. Pray?
- Occasionally. I don't even know who I pray to anymore.

5. Have a job?
- Currently, no.

6. Have braces?
- No. I think I have a pretty nice set of teeth. But I'm constantly dreaming that my tooth drop. Nightmare.

7. Wish on stars?
- Does it even come true?


1. Fallen in love?
- what's love and what's crush?
I have even yet to figure that out.

2. Kiss someone of the same sex?
- HAHA, where?
Mouth? NO.
Cheek? yes. It's a crazy game which I still rmb

3. Swam in the dark?
- No. Love to try it one day though.

4. Been to a Bonfire?
- No, but I wanna see one. Burning unwanted things for pleasure. It will be good when I fall out with my bf. I can throw him in.

5. Ran away from home?
- Never. Why run away? Home is a place that provide security and comfort.

6. Played strip poker?
- haha, Nah. never will I either. I suck in gambling.

7. Pulled an all nighter?
- haha, Yes and it sucks. the eye bags and panda eye. Scary.


1. Cried?
- Tear? yup reading Harry Potter. Remus and Tonks died when they just had a child. Poor baby.

2. Had fun?
- If you consider reading harry Potter fun, then Ya

3. Been kissed?
- Nope.

4. Felt stupid?
- No.

5. Talked to an ex?
- Erm No.

6. Missed someone?
- Yes. A couple of my friends.

7. Hugged someone?
- Nope. would you like one?

Part 1: The Birth of You

Were you a planned baby?:
- I think so, since I was given birth 3 yrs after they got married.

Were you the first?:
- Unfortunately, Yes.

Who was present at your birth?:
- The birthing crew. Dad could not be present, caused I came out leg 1st. Heard that it's dangerous. I could have die You know and there will be no shirleen.
OoH! think about that.

Were your parents married when you
were born?:
- Duh. My mom got married at 18 with parental consent and I was born 3 yrs later.

What is your birthdate?:
- 10 days after teachers day.

Part 2: The Family

Are you parents married or divorced?
- Still married and I hope it for the next 50 yrs.

An only child?:
- Unfortunately not. haha ok I love my sibs ok.

If you have siblings are you oldest,
middle, or youngest?:
- eldest, Unfortunately! (didn't I say that b4?)

What are your siblings names?:
- Lim Xue Yin, Denise and Lim Jun Jie, Alden.

Which parent do you get along with
- erm, you mean there is a different level of closeness?

What do you fight about?:
- everything.

Do you have step parents?:
- no

Part 3: The Friends

Do you have more than one best
- hmm, of cos.

What do you like to do when you are
- Chat, eat, shop, sleep, tv, movie.

Do you share the same interests?:
- it depends.

Which friend can you tell anything to?:
- I don really have alot secrets or studd that's really insane do ser, cam and eve. but usually, Me myself and I

Part 4: Your Personality

How high/low is your self esteem?:
- it's a roller coaster ride.

Do you get depressed about things
- yes. but trying to over come it

Are you an extrovert (outgoing) or an
introvert (reserved)?:
- introvert. it's different when u know me.

Are you happy?:
- currently everything is smooth so ya. I'm contented with it.

Do you live life to the fullest?:
- do we?

Part 5: Appearance

Are you comfortable with the way you
- yes, but there are thing I which it differ.

Describe your hair?:
- long, dark brown-black. Wishing to dye it.

How do you dress?:
- simple and casual. So long it's comfy

Part 6: The Past

Were you a strange child?:
- strange? No quiet, shy and easily misunderstood.

What did you use to love that you no
longer do?:
- erm. dolls?

Do you have the same friends?:
- yes. 10 yrs ago, evelyn. Now it's still the same. 5 Yrs ago, My group and it still is now. Though it's hell b4 that.

Was there anything in your past that
was traumatizing?:
- yes. Yes! alot. The harrassment on the train 5 yrs ago. The hel I been though 7 yrs ago.

Part 7: The Future

What is your ambition?:
- Wow. To see the world, To earn big bucks n a good job that I like.

Are you scared of growing old?:
- who doesn't. Thinking about 5 yrs later, scares me like hell.

Do you want to get married?:
- erm. I thought I answered that

Part 8: The Outdoors

Do you prefer indoors or outdoors?:
- Indoor.

Favorite Season:
- What season you want?
- winter.

Do you like walking in the rain?:
- Yes, if'm I free of Hp mp3.

Part 9: Food

Are you a vegetarian?:
- Nope. Meant is too delicious to avoid.

What is your favorite food?:
-Laska, tom yum, Korean BBQ chicken wings, the list can go on.

What food makes you want to gag?
- Brinjal. bittergourd.

What is your favorite dessert?
- Strawberry.

What is your favorite restaurant?:
- er I can't rmb the name. the raman restaurant at The Central.

Are you a fussy eater?:
- Yes.

Part 10: Relationships and Love

Are you single or taken?:
- Single and loving every bit of it.

If taken who is the lucky guy/girl?:
-Haha. will tell u when there is such a person.

Do you think love is the best feeling
in the world?:
- No. It's a double edged sword.

Do you believe in love at first sight?
- No.

Part 11: Experiences

What was one of your greatest
- Seeing snow falling around me. the flakes on my glove. It's beautiful, so beautiful.

What was one of the worst?:
- Having a mentally unsound guy openly looked into my skirt... No! wait.. It's having friendSS who back stabbed u.

Have you ever done drugs?:
- HA! I would rather die then doing that.

Have you ever thought you were going
to die?:
- Yup.

The Whining Fat Cow
5:21 PM

1 Bites!

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Shirleen's alive people, just down with a bout of bad bad flu and is sniffing like a dog to clear the blocked nose and is currently hooked to deviant art. Mental I tell you, fancy spending her time staring at pictures.

Oh well.

Oh! and not forgetting, she even teared when reading Harry potter and the deathly hollow. Damn slow. See la, that's what u get when rushing through a book within 13 hours. Missing out the tiny but important detail.

Now, she mourning over the lost of Harry Potter, when everyone else have already gotten over it. She have officially gone bonkers I tell you, ding dong, ding dong, ding-a-dong.

Hmm this 3rd person point of view is fun. gonna try that out more often. haha


The Whining Fat Cow
1:58 AM

0 Bites!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Overdue pic.

Sick Sick Sick.

Aching all over, the uncomfy feeling at my throat. These 5 months have been nothing but me falling sick.

3 weeks ago, I just recovered from a bad flu. 3 week before that I recovered from a raging fever of 40 degree Celsius that went on for 3 days. 2 weeks before the raging fever, was soar throat. Then 2 week before that was flu.

I can go on and on and on what I was down with.

Wish this bout of flu would quickly pass by. It's draining my energy and mood.

Anyway, the pictures that I had promised to post up the other day which we saw several celebrity at houggang mall.

That's all folks!

I'm drained.

The Whining Fat Cow
3:30 PM

0 Bites!

Monday, September 3, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Been feeling sleepy all day long even with the 3 hours nap in the noon I had over at S-Cow's place.

Damn this flu is really getting on my nerves.

Anyway, I got my very 1st preset from S-Cow today.


YSL Concealer

The prices is really steep. Felt a little bad when she bought me my present. Anyway, Not only it's good to use, it's in my current favorite color. Gold.

Thanks. Sweety!

The Whining Fat Cow
11:26 PM

0 Bites!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Spring Cleaning

Did a mega spring cleaning. On my note book that is.

My room still feels, smell and look like a dump. Pig sty.

pretty huh!

Up next dental, room cleaning, tuition, and time to get a job.

I need money~

The Whining Fat Cow
11:17 PM

0 Bites!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Broke, dead broke.

Suddenly having so much free time at hand is really overwhelming.


Anyway, went out the whole day again yesterday. I think I spent almost 20 buck on transportation alone.

Bought E-Cow his birthday present. A black Nintendo DS Lite. He is so lucky to have us as his friends. haha.

This is the reason why this month I'm so broke that I'm practically chewing my tongue for breakfast, lunch and dinner to allow me to have the illusion that I'm eating. Every penny spent, I've got to consider and reconsider. Including food.

It's so bad that it made me look pathetic.

On our way to E-Cow's place which is flooded with S-Cow voice as she was calling his name over and over again, we saw a couple of local celebrity. Pictures will be up soon as we were using S-Cow, a day old, new Sony T20.

And that's the end of today's post. Ciao

P/s: Ya i know lousy ending. wth I don't even care.

P/s/s: E-cow was really shock when we bought him his very own Nintendo. I bet he like it. If he doesn't, we'll slaughter him.

P/s/s/s: Win, rmb my Nintendo ar! haha

The Whining Fat Cow
5:07 PM

0 Bites!