Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
I know it's not surprising to get pimples on our face at this age. As much as we hate it to the core, it still comes popping out like it love seeing us in agony over it. Stupid attention seekers!.
But having it on the lower back? I know it's not unheard of but this is the 1st time it ever occurs to me.. =( I heard from my friend that it's cause I'm heaty. Else it's the chair that's dirty and i accidently lean on it.
Now I can't even lie on my back.
The Whining Fat Cow
7:44 PM

Friday, October 26, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
You know how sometimes good things happen. you are just bursting to tell, bursting to put your hopes up and wishing with all you might that you will get it but there is this fear tugging you in the opposite direction. Telling you that the moment you open your big gap, it will never com true. Never!
It had happened to me for so many occasion that there was a time I stop hoping and vouch never to hope again. That's plain silly, I know, one can never lose hope. Since I'm practically hoping everyday.
You can't actually blame me for that. Once, twice or thrice it's fine but multiply it by a dozen of so, it's enough to make you back off and be drilled into that thick skull of yours.
Although this good/bad(depending oh how u see it) thing happen on me and mate are all agreeable to it, I still have thing sinking feeling that I doubt I'll make it. But I really hope I do. It's the best thing that ever happen to me.
You guys must be wondering what is it. Some might know, some think that you know what is it and some will probably hear it by now. But no, I'm not going to say. Cause I know if I would to say it, it will mean that I have my hope really high up and if at the end of the day it's a no, well I'll be so depress that the whining will start all over again.
I'm sorry. Just pray for me that I get what I wish. Although the company sucks I still wish I get it.
Pray for me.
P/S: It really amaze me that how easily my brother can draw the Cruella devile in me out without even trying. Making the foulest, most vicious and vile creature in me to surface. Screaming my lungs out till (I bet with every dollar and cents I have) the whole apartment can hear me. It sucks! He made me into my mom. Being naggy and impatient. I'm to young to be naggy!
P/P/S: Once again I've finish 2 books in this week. 1 a novel by Erica James, Hidden Talent (find that I can relate to Jaz) while the other is a Inspirational book by Mitch Albom, For one more day. At this rate, I'll be penniless real soon. And I have my reason y I do not borrow book. Once again, blame it on myself.
The Whining Fat Cow
8:15 PM

Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Sometimes good news isn't good after all.
Sometimes appearance can be deceiving.
Sometimes ppl may seems independent but they aren't after all.
The Whining Fat Cow
9:14 PM

Monday, October 22, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Can you tell me how we got in this situation
I can't seem to get you off my mind
All these ups and downs they
They trip up our good intentions
Nobody said this was an easy ride
After all, we're only human
Always fighting what we're feeling
Hurt instead of healing
After all we're only human
Is there any other reason
Why we stay instead of leaving
After all
Can we get back to the point in this conversation
Where we saw things through each other's eyes
Cause now all I see is ruin and devastation
We all need some place we can hide inside
After all, we're only human
Always fighting what we're feeling
Hurt instead of healing
After all we're only human
Is there any other reason
Why we stay instead of leaving
I'm smart enough to know that life goes by
And it leaves a trail of broken hearts behind
If you feel I'm letting go, just give me time
I'll come running to your side
Can you tell me how we got into this situation
I can't seem to get you off my mind
After all, we're only human
Always fighting what we're feeling
Hurt instead of healing
After all we're only human
Is there any other human [2x]
OH~ Yes! I Will.
Stronger then ever and before we know it. No more dark and twisted Shirleen. She's gonna be bright and shiny ( Sounds familar? Maybe if you watched Grey's Anatomy) yes she will.
=) Casting a smile that stretch from ear to ear that dazzle the crowd.
Let's hope nothing embarrassing happens like the the wind uplifting my skirt or pants with holes or shirt so loose that it falls upon standing up to ruin my sems.
Staring out of the window upon the sky of red with a smile pasted on her face. Breathing in the sweet scent the wind had cast in her direction telling her that rain is coming her way. Feeling the wind caressing her skin, taking her stress and unpleasantness away replacing it with relief and comfort. The wind may be cold but being in her sanctuary, she know she'll be safe.
The rain will come when it's time, she however would not be sad for she knows it will be gone in time. By then everything is nice and cheery.
I Love Rain, as in weather rain and not the rain rain. At times I just wanna head out into the rain but I have hp and mp3 etc to consider. maybe one of this days.
Just like obstacles thrown in our way. It will come when it's time.
A friend asked me, why do I like to stay home? At that point in time my answer came out immediately. Home is my sanctuary. Cliche? Maybe, maybe not. I'm never the one who loiters around when I know home is just a 15 or an hour ride away. Unless, of course I have a short/long interval between lesson which can't be help.
Self note:
However much I love home, I know there is a place and time for everything. It's time to set my priorities right.
The Whining Fat Cow
10:27 PM
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
You know how everyone always say that when one get older, they will become slower and hence be more patient.
Well, I think my parents seems to fall out of this category. The Older they get, the more impatient they become. I think I inherit their impatient genes and hence I get cranky at times.
School's starting today.
Instead of worrying me not being able to wake up on time, all that I am thinking is what should I wear tomorrow. For now, my schedule shows that I have labs from monday to friday. It's damn depressing. No more slippers to school. Unless of course some of this labs are actually taking place in the tutorial room. Then it's hurray for me and nasty for the lecturers.
I realize that once again have have Tng as my tutorian (is there such a word?). Not 1 but 2 sub. I'm so screwed. To think that I seen last of her in 1.2. I guess the school just love to play a prank on us.
Pray for me, people.
P/s: Sweety, You know who you are. I may not be you but I just hope that you will not fall for his honeyed words again. It will do u naught but harm. Remember what u have been through. Will returning bring back everything? Will returning lead u to an ending u want? You have tried again n again but what can u remember? The good or the bad? If it's the good and u want to go on then You have my support. But if it's the bad and you still wanna go on, well all I can say is, I have your back. The outsider sees it all. Chin up! you're a pretty girl. The right guys will come to you. You have just have to be patient. Love you always, my friend.
The Whining Fat Cow
1:35 AM

Friday, October 19, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
One word.
Timetable as usual is a mess which I need time to accept. Ample of time.
Anyway, Sis boyfriend came over yesterday night and being the ever kind sister, I decided to bunk in with my brother on 3 large cushion enough for one person lying on her back and no space for other movement. with a fan that could rouse a grizzly in hibernation.
Tough night, awkward day. =) mind you I'm not the social butterfly who can socialize with anyone. I would put up a brave and cocky front but in fact the truth is I don't even have any idea what to say and shy (even if her bf is 2 yrs younger).
Was having a convey with a friend from sec school. It surprises me that how one can change in the span of 3 years. Or maybe it's just me not knowing him well enough.
Ah! how the difference of 3 years make me feel that I'm so silly and frivolous 3 years ago.
I still think that how wonderful would my life be if it could mirror a film. The unwanted portion be cut and dump while inserting the happy ending of my choice. Wouldn't it be great.
Oh well, as we all know, it's nothing but a dream.
Good night.
The Whining Fat Cow
9:14 PM

Thursday, October 18, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
A story to Learn... A story that touched my heart.
My husband was an engineer. Since I met him, he was always an Unflappable rock in my life. I knew he always had his feet firmly planted on the ground, and it seemed that no matter what else went crazy,he would be the one constant. Three years of romance, and two years of marriage later, I got tired. He was the most unromantic man I know. He never bought me flowers, he never surprised me, and nothing changed in our marriage. After some time, I finally found the courage to tell him that I wanted to leave him. He just sat there, speechless. My heart froze… what kind of man was I married to that didn’t even know what to say to make me stay?
After a while, he spoke, “What can I do to change your mind?” “I will Stay if you can give me a good answer to this question,” I replied coldly. “If I asked for a flower that grew on a cliff and you knew that getting it for me means certain death, would you get it for me?” His face grew troubled.
Can I give you an answer tomorrow morning?” he asked. Hearing that kind Of answer, my heart died. I knew that I could never be happy with a man who couldn’t even give me an answer straight away. The next morning, when I woke up, he was missing. In the living room, under a Warm glass of milk, was a note. My eyes grew misty as I read it………….
Dear, I have my answer. I will never pick the flower for you if it meant certain death. But before you leave, I hope you can give me a chance to give you my reasons….
You will always sit in front of the computer and type about for the whole day, but every time you will end up in tears cause your formatting will always go all over the place… I need my fingers to do the formatting for you, so your tears will become smiles.
You like to travel, but would always get lost… I need my eyes, so that I can bring you to the nicest places on earth.
Every time you leave the house, you would always forget your keys… I need my legs, so that I can run home to open the door for you. You never knew how to take care of yourself…
I need my hands to help you get rid of the pesky white hair you hate so Much when you grow old, to trim your nails, to feed you.
So you see, that’s Why I can’t pick the flower for you. Until I find someone who loves you More than I do, I will need my bod y to take care of you.
If you accept my reasons, then open the door, where I will be waiting with your favourite muffin.
With tears streaming from my eyes, I opened the door, and there he stood, with an extremely worried look on his face. He still had nothing to say, but just stood there waving the packet he had in his hand in front of me. And then I knew for a fact that I will never find another man who will ever love me as much as he does.
Just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean that they don’t love you with all they have.
If someone comes into your life and becomes a part of you but for some reasons he couldn’t stay, don’t cry too much… Just be glad that your paths crossed and; somehow he made you happy even for a while.
The greatest regrets in our lives are the risks we did not take. If you think something will make you happy, GO FOR IT. Remember that we pass this way only once.
Extracted from a Qiudan's blog.
The Whining Fat Cow
11:48 PM

Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Very very hooked to the song Human by Jon Mclaughlin.
Am very pissed today. Dad bought the exactly same MP3 as me when I'm trying really hard to get rid of mine for a smaller one(He din even mention he wanted to get one). Feel that he doesn't seems to trust me at all.
Chatted with my mom. Shed a couple of tears. It was unexpected. It's like I've lost control and all the resentment came gushing out like my tears.
Got to know that I have relatives with very complicated background.
Done reading 'Ps I love you'. Wish that I have friends Like Holly did. Wish that I have a family like Holly did. Wish that I have a job like Holly did. Wish that I have a Husband like Holly did even though he died from cancer. Wish that I have 'the list' to help me move on if someone happen to past away *touchwood*.
Blame it on PMS and PSS (Pre-school stress).
Went prawning this morning at 1 am. Did loads of stupid stuff and was caught on camera. Obviously, I'm not posting any of the unsightly photos so here are those that can be seen.
The pictures says it all. I'm off to shower and snuggle under my comforter with a new book.
Night Y'all!
The Whining Fat Cow
11:15 PM

Sunday, October 14, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Oh! Wth.
Was out again today. Hmm been really busy lately. Busy spending money. HA!
The Whining Fat Cow
1:15 AM

Saturday, October 13, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Now, my ring finger, thumb and arm (left) is aching like mad. Especially area around my ring finger. =( But it brings back old memories such as me tying this in class during sec school instead of listening to the lesson. Hee! =P
And, I spend more money then necessary. Have decided to get the white pants and saw a couple of tops. Though it's cheap as hell but it's still spending money. Oh whatever! school is starting niway.
Got to go head back to my new book. Currently half way through it and still have a couple more bands to complete.
The Whining Fat Cow
1:31 AM

Friday, October 12, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Played it already.
Aw! It bring back such wonderful memory. 3 years back right before I left for Korea.
A big hole in my pocket.
Remember I said I love shorts. Well here it goes!I'm still considering the white pants.. Crap!!
God! please rain money!
The Whining Fat Cow
1:50 AM

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
Something that I've been seeing on Anime so often that makes me hungry. Finally had a chance to try it. ; )
The Whining Fat Cow
10:24 PM

Monday, October 8, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
It's been so long since I actually penned my thoughts.
I guess the reason is that my life have been pretty much dull and mundane. Totally dissociate myself from the complexity of life and it's many problem. All that I am doing now is staying home, indulge my self with all the skin care products, vegetating in front of the television and coming online doing nothing. Not that I am complaining, in fact I'm really grateful for this period before school actually starts and all the madness starts rushing in like water through taps.
Maybe it's just me. Pressure and people make me skittish. Especially when you know that certain thinks are still happening and there is no way of approaching it. No detours. It's either you crash or you fall off the mountain.
That's how I see it.
I think something is really wrong with me. Being pessimistic and all. Come to think of it, I've been this way all along. I'm a avoider. I avoid problems. I avoid facing a problem. I avoid people who make me feel awkward. I avoid getting myself into situations when I know problem will definitely bound to arise, i.e; relationship. I just avoid.
I'm a avoider. Save me the heartache and the funny feeling. The breaking out in cold sweat thing. Confrontation. Awkward silence. Yes. I hate it all.
Speaking of relationship, lately a gal pal of mine seem to have her leg stuck in it. The problem seems to be recurring. Always the same thing. Guy lie to girl, girl find out, girl keep mum but try to broach it, guy flare up, guy blame girl.
I guess all we (as friends) can do is stand by her and be her listening ear. I can be a tad insensitive at times but then again, I'm not perfect.
Cheer up, hons!
Night y'all.
P/s: I got the news from a friend of mine that he got dismiss from school. It's really really depressing. He's been a good friend, the life of the class. I guess we won't be seeing each other anytime soon. All the best my friend and really hope that you can keep the dog that you brought back home. Best wishes.
The Whining Fat Cow
3:00 AM

Thursday, October 4, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
... my BTT *deadpan*
Who doesn't?
Too darn tired to write many many(deliberately written in this manner). I shall let the pictures do the talking and I can go rot on my bed till tomorrow noon. Make that late noon. The Do Not Disturb sign will be out. Not even my sis who have nightmare will wake me up just to snuggle beside me. ( She did that 2 night ago. You didn't hear that from me. ;) )
Ok, maybe it will. I'm not that mean afterall.
Some really horrible pictures I'd taken today. Mind you, I slept for only 4 hours and woke up 7 freaking am in the morning. Hence I look pale as hell and lifeless.

Few days back, was over at Edwin's place with Serene. So, I decided to whipped up something for them. Cheesy Macaroni with bacon.
Ok, I'm too tired to continue.
Night all.
P/s: dreading school to start.
The Whining Fat Cow
8:53 PM

Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
I've got this mad craving for Roti Kirai/Jala
Been longing to get my hand on it since I left secondary school.
4 years.
4 Long years.
Please tell me where can I get my mouth on this delicious looking meal.
The Whining Fat Cow
11:04 PM

Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.
I'm thinking of getting a phone. Any idea?
Currently on my list is LG shine and the Nokia 7390.
How? How?
The Whining Fat Cow
8:09 PM