Thursday, July 26, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Roller coaster

Alright, I'm gonna do this real fast since my Notebook battery is depleting real fast.

The last 48 hours was 1 heck of a roller coaster ride.

Yesterday, Wednesday, morning, I was fuming. I was so angry with one of my group mate that I hated him right there and then. You might say that since I only got to know him this semester, so I should not be angry with him as I do not know him well.

Seriously! I was forced to join his group due to certain circumstances which will be another great-grandmother story. Anyway, the 1st assignment we did together, he made the decision without teling us and make us follow accordingly to it. The ideas he have and the organization selected it may seems simple to him but seriously! it's crazy. When the instruction given clearly says that... Look for any organization online with an organization structure. Of all things to choose, he decided on YOUTUBE!

Without discussing, he went up ahead and discuss it with the lecturer and came back to delegate the work. A friend of mine and I decided that enough was enough. The 3 of us told him that it's really hard but he kept on insisting that it's easy.

I know I'm quite the control freak too. But he did not even bother to talk to us about it and he wants us to do the work without knowing what the heck we are doing?

Similar. On Wednesday, this shit happen again. What's worst is the this project is 45%. I'm so dead. He's always discussing stuff with the lecturer and not with us, So much that he must as well do the project with our lecturer. UGH! and double UGGHH!!

On the same night, Some freaking prankster felt that it's funny to ring the doorbell and run off and come back again to do it. I wasn't freak out till my sis started freaking out and I realize that my dad wasn't home yet. Although he probably knows how to defend himself but it can't stop from worrying. The ringing went on for and hour till the cops arrived.

Yes, I reported it. And NO, I'm not gonna report anything ever! Ugh! The cops think that it's funny when I reported it. But seriously putting yourself in my shoe with everyone sleeping and leaving in a freaking quite and secluded place you can't blame me for worrying. After all I'm quite timid, you know and I worry for my dad.

Due to the previous night drama, I remembered the wrong time table and actually skipped my accounting lecture. 1st ever accounting lecture skipped.

Now, i'm seriously dead-beat. Had tuition with a sec 1 kid. I think I'm really disorganize jumping from 1 topic to another. Blame it on the nerves.

I was really nervous.

See, within 48 hours I experienced anger, fear, worry and nervous. What a ride!

The Whining Fat Cow
11:35 PM

0 Bites!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Eczema alert!

A particular type of inflammatory reaction of the skin in which there are typically vesicles (tiny blister-like raised areas) in the first stage followed by erythema (reddening), edema (swelling), papules (bumps), and crusting of the skin followed, finally, by lichenification (thickening) and scaling of the skin. Eczema characteristically causes itching and burning of the skin.

Eczema, which is also called atopic dermatitis, is a very common skin problem. It may start in infancy, later in childhood, or in adulthood. Once it gets underway, it tends not to go quickly away.


Just when I thought that my sensitive skin is enough for me, here comes another.

I've been applying moisturizing lotion about a month or 2 ago, this shouldn't be happening to me. I just pray that it would go away so that I can have m nice pair of leg back.

This sickening, disgusting, goosebumps raising, irritating rash is on both my legs.



Ever heard of people bargaining the price for their medication fee?

I'm seriously ok with people bargaining the price of something from Bugis. But the price of consultation fee and medication fee?

Apparently the 2 man, china man, before me had tried to bargain with the nurses for their consultation fee and medication fee.


If you do not want to pay for all this, then don't see a doctor. If you want to see a doctor just to buy MC, then, pay the price.


Caught Transformer last night with C-cow.

For a girl, who was totally not interested in that movie, it was really a nice show.

Really and truly!

I've been hearing lots of comment, good comments, about it that I decided to accompany C-cow to watch it. The movie was damn long la and I was sitting in the 1st 2 row. Horrible. But the uncomfortable position is worth it. I wanna try watching it from the back row. Any sponserer?

There are so many other movies that I want to catch.
  1. Hairspray
  2. Rush hour 3
  3. The Golden Compass
  4. ... (I've forgotten the name already! C-cow you still remember not?)
I'm broke. I think it's time to find a banker for a boyfriend. Ha Ha.

The Whining Fat Cow
3:44 PM

0 Bites!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Wait and wait.

It seems every Monday, whenever we are having a meeting, I'm always the 1st to arrive and I'll be waiting and waiting for everyone.


Last Monday, I ended up waiting for everyone for 1 hour. Today, I've been waiting for 30 mins and still not even a single soul in sight. I understand that they have got to meet the staff and such. Maybe they are stuck in a traffic jam or something. But at least give me a nice time so that I won't be waiting here like a ornament waiting for someone to dust me.

Lilis, my domestic helper was crying when I left home. Apparently she got a call from her home saying that her aunt just passed away. Her aunt had cancer and was also suffering from liver problem.

What is worst then having your love one's leaving you forever and you not being there?


When her grams passed away 3 years ago, it was the same thing. The only difference was that none of her family members notified her. She only found out when she went back home.

I can never imagine what will I do if I was her. Go hysterical?

Speaking of which, it's been ages since I last saw my grams. It's time for another visit. She's after all the person who took care of me when my mom and dad was working. I do not want to regret it when it's too late.

The Whining Fat Cow
12:34 PM

0 Bites!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Yesterday, was the final journey of my years of adventure with Harry Potter in my little own space of imagination.

My very own limited edition of Potter book 7. The Deathly Hollows. I waiting rather impatiently for my it to arrive at my door step that I had this urge to go get another book. Luckily I wasn't that crazy. I went on to finish some of my project stuff and...


It arrived minutes later and I dropped whatever that I was doing and settled down in my room to start reading.

A whole solid 13 hours later, I've completed the book.


The final book is so action-pack. So many fights, so many deaths. Through the book there's probably 6 - 7 death.

  1. Mad-eye moody, died on the mission of transporting the 7 Harry Potter from Pivet Drive. 6 of them (Fred, George, Hermione, Ron, Fleur and Mundungdus) drank the polyjuice potion. Mad-eye was killed my the death eaters.
  2. Fred was killed at the battle of Howgarts, follow by Lupin and Tonks. (3 of my fave character)
  3. Snape's dead too. As most stories go, there is always a guy who has good intention of saving someone but is out to make life difficult to the same person. Snape is the guy. Always protecting Potter but never want to show that he cares.
As expected, Harry, Hermione and Ron are alive. Dumbledore remain dead. I must say J.K Rowling is really clever. Having a chapter ending with 19 years later. Harry married Ginny and have got 3 kid namely James, Lily and Albus Severus. While Hermione is married to Ron with 2 kids of their own. Rose and Hugo. This way, it makes is quite difficult to continue the series without breaking the link. If she would to continue it, I doubt it would have anything to do with the 7 book.

Thanks to the 13 hours of bending over HP, I'm having a neck so stiff that now it hurts if I turn my head left and right.

The Whining Fat Cow
3:28 PM

0 Bites!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Everything that is going on today, seems to in a mad rush of frenzy. Decision Analysis (Decan) tutorial is the usual madness. Zooming by all question. However, Organization Behaviour (OB) lesson is the same as Decan which used to be a slow pace of nothingness, since I'm always in my own world during OB. Reason being, Presentation.

If you would to sit at the concourse, you'll find 4 lunatics running from blk 23 to blk 14 then back to blk 23, level 4 to level 5, one lab to another and again from blk 23 to blk 14.

It's insane.

What's worst was that when we enter for our OB class, we asked around regarding how many pages did each group had for their report,. We had answers like 27, 25 and 56!! (WTF did they write?) I was shocked, stunned silent. To think that we even feel that our 10 page report is more then enough. Compared to their shocking amount, ours is peanuts.

We or should I say, I, ran up to the lab to do some editing which was then followed by my group mates. I was typing so fast as if demons were after me while I'm pen-ing down my last words. We had only an hour to finish and submit it. The 1st printer we went too, was jammed. 2nd printer we went to, no ink. It's our 'lucky' day.

When I got home, I was rushing yet again. I guess I have to be blamed for that. Being the fickle-minded (VERY, very fickle-minded) girl, I was changing from one outfit to another. Eventually the whole room is in a mess and I had to pick it all up. Make-up time was longer as compared to the usual. Reason being, I had to fit my fake lashes (free from mascara, finally!). It's the very 1st time I had fake lashes on. Had a kind of weird sensation.

While sis was curling my straight hair into locks, I was snapping away. The brown dress was my 3rd outfit!

Initially it was what my sis was wearing. White dress with printed design BUT, it was so loose that when I release my breath, it slipped and I became half naked with only my bra on.

Sorry, E-cow, I didn't manage to wear the dress you lent me.

My really fake lashes. I think it isn't very clear as the lash are quite fine. I really think fake lashes are really good to use. I believe I'll be getting more of it, this time it would be thicker and a tad fuller.

Definitely not those thick enough that it looks as if I used a piece of black paper as my lashes.

A snap shot of my sis (yes, I changed my outfit for the 4th time) and me.

Mummy, was telling my aunt that if either of us were to wed, the spot light will always be on my sis. Even if she's my bridesmaid. She isn't really tactful with her word and goes to show how much she favour/think of me don't u think.

Sigh.. I'm always 2nd best (like it's always have been). Felt a sudden dip of emotion instantaneously. Serious esteem problem in progress.

The bride and groom. The groom is my cousin who is 29 and the bride is 21. She's really pretty I must say, so is the groom well in his case it's handsome that is. People always say, a female will always be the prettiest on the day they wed. But in my opinion, not all bride are pretty.

This is the few time where I see the a really pretty bride.

The usual routine. Going round the floor taking pictures with all the attendee. (I can never imagine myself doing that) The one in the crown is the bride and obviously, the one wit the flower in the pocket is the groom (he looks like his dad).

In the mids of all the celebration, something or should I say a conversation came up and my dad just flare up. It was really embarrassing but luckily sitting with us was a really close cousin of mine who I use to hang out with during the weekends playing and sleeping over.

Apparently, he found out that my sis have been attached for 2 yrs plus and all the while we just thought that he knew about it. My mom is in denial. These 2 years plus, my mom have never met my sis boyfriend and I really find it odd. Mostly couples who's attached from a year or more, both parties would get to meet the parent. However in my family case, it's really unique.

My dad, on the other hand, want to get to know her bf so as to see what kind of person is he like.

Serious miscommunication between my parents.

Now I know why communication is the key in a marriage. My mom never heeds anyone advices and my dad is as stubborn as a bull. Each wanting to lead their own way and keep thinking that our advice are rubbish since we are the young one's.

When will adults ever learn?

The day they loses the chance to try? The day when everything come to an end - divorce? The day that their kids ran away? The day that unexpected event happen and then everyone starts blaming one another?

I guess I will never know till that day arrives and I'm experiencing their situation myself. I wish I'll be able to communicate with my better half and listen to the young one's advice.

I guess we (my sis, mom and I) have really hurt my dad by keeping a secret from him. To him, we are all liars now.

I'm guessing away now.

I just wish I could pluck up some courage and apologize and maybe talk to my mom (which she will NOT listen) about it.

P/S: It's 2.30am already. 7 more hours till my Harry Potter arrives at my door step. Dreading and anticipating it.

The Whining Fat Cow
1:26 AM

0 Bites!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Little Brown Bird

Was on the way home when I saw a dead bird on the floor.

It was not a crow nor a the black birds with yellow beak (I can't remember the name suddenly). It was actually those little brown birds. It was such a pitiful sight can. Wanted to take a picture of it but I figure that it's not exactly morally right (for me that is). I wouldn't like any weird people talking a picture of me when I'm dead. So I ended up walking away with my trobbing headache in toll.

Even if it's just a bird, I really think it deserve all the respect like any being.

I remembered when I was Primary 4, I was happily playing Zero-Zero point with some friends of mine when we saw a cat chasing something. We initially thought that it was chasing after a rat so none of us did anything but continue playing. However, I wasn't feeling very well after that as in I feel that something was not right.

So, being the curious 10 year old, I went back to check it and I realize it was a brown bird. So poor thing can. I shooed the cat away and scooped the injured bird up. After awhile, it flew away.

It was quite badly injured actually, really wonder did it survive when it reach home. Hope it lives to a ripe old age.

The Whining Fat Cow
6:14 PM

0 Bites!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Fruit Tart!

3 of my favorite fruits. Yum Yum.


Nothing new can enter your life,
unless you break away from what you already have.

The Whining Fat Cow
9:03 PM

0 Bites!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Seeing red.


I removed it several hours later after realizing that that I've got 2 wedding dinner (Shit! totally have no idea what to wear) to attend this weekend (gonna get nag by my relatives once they see this) and it's so inappropriate for school.

Makes me look like a hooker la!

It's just probably that it's been a long time since I've applied nail polish on my finger and it takes time getting use to it. Maybe one day, when I feel up to it, I would then take that out of the fridge and start playing around with it. Now I guess, I'll stick with the less striking color. With that red, I believe that anyone standing a mile away would be able to spot me out.

And I'm kinda pissed with how I spent my day today. Ugh! chitter chatter chitter chatter non-stop. When will they be able to learn! Yes, I'm still somehow soar about it.

Can you blame me for that?

After chatting with K-cow last night I've come to realize that you are not who I thought you are. Trying to make me look bad in front of a friend or sis to say who I have known since 14? Try harder.

Anyway, I'm glad it's all rainbow after the storm for S-cow. Stay cool and calm, my dear!

Got to go.

P.S: Coincidentally, the wedding dinner clashes with the day Harry Potter and the deathly hollow! Still thinking should I skip the 2nd dinner to stay home to finish the book! Both my sister and I having been arguing who to read the book first and we resorted to camping in front of the door so as whoever touch it 1st, read it first. Madness.

P.P.S: Caught the Harry Potter movie. It wasn't that bad but it's so freaking rushy. So many little (but important) details were left out. For example: Percy turning back against his family, telling Ron not to stay around Harry.

Yes! I'm a Potter freak.

P.P.P.S: My brother loves S-cow and B-cow more than me. I'm jealous! The moment he sees me when I was walking home (he was playing in the playground, you see) he ran to me (which he never does) and asked me when are they coming over again. Thanks, den short for Alden, for treating me so nicely.

The Whining Fat Cow
12:06 AM

0 Bites!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Utter Rubbish.

I'm starting to feel this anonymity that I took is really ridicules. There is so much restriction. If I want to remain anonymous I should not even start a blog in the 1st place.

Maybe giving my link to selected few would be ideal.

The Whining Fat Cow
2:00 PM

0 Bites!

Friday, July 13, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


This is the 2nd time I'm doing this. So everything is going to be a repetition.
S-Cow tag me and hence this is it.

Rules of the game:

Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.

At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks!

  1. I've got a sequence to follow when bathing, including the sequence of removing and putting on my clothes. If I would to remove my top 1st, when wearing it, my top will be the last 1 that I would wear. This actually help me gain some control and organization in my life since my life is always beyond control. What can I say, I'm a control freak.

  2. I'm actually a very touchy-feely person. I get emotion damn quickly and will sulk about it for a day or 2 till I eventually feel that the person or things do not deserved it.

  3. I love being hug. Be it my mom, sister or friends. I really like being hugged when I'm really down hence when people is feeling down and sad, I'll hug them. As I'm projecting myself as them and hence I have this thinking that they like being hug too. I guess I am the eldest and do not exactly have enough hugs, attention and concern. For I am expected to do everything right on the 1st time.

  4. Before sleeping, I'll spent about 30 mins going through my usually routine of moisturizing myself. It's tedious but, Hey! who says beauty come naturally. Yes, I am not pretty enough and that is the reason why I have to go through this routine every single night from head to toe.

  5. I am not ready for relationship and only wish to get married in my late twenties. Relationship seems to be torturing every being on earth.

  6. If given the chance to be anything in this world, I would wanna be a character in a very sweet story with happily ever after even if I have no control of how it goes as long it's a romantic comedy. The real world is too nasty and unbearable. Think pollution, war and the likes.

  7. I need to have either a pillow, bolster or a solid wall to lean on when I sleep. I can never sleep without leaning on something. That's the reason why I have so many pillow and stuff on my bed. (My cow cow friend should know, right S-cow and B-cow?)

  8. I'm on medication since I was 15 due to a highly sensitive skin that probably can't be cured. It sucks big time trust me.

  9. I am always thinking what will it be it's I'm some one else. For example, Wouldn't it be great if I'm Felicia chin or Paris Hilton. Something like that.

  10. I like sitting in the dark. Before I leave home, I'll check whether the radio is off three times. If I miss out once, I'll re-check it 3 times again. when I wear my shoe, I'll wear it and remove it 4 time. Without doing it, I would not leave home. Then I'll have to redo it starting from the radio again and when finally it's all done, I'll then leave home.

    (Now, why would you believe that? hehe)

I Shall Tagged:

I shall be nice and not tag anyone.
All hail Fat cow!

The Whining Fat Cow
11:57 PM

0 Bites!

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.



What is wrong with all the couples lately?

So many people that I've known seems to be having some sort of relationship problem. It's either themselves or their friends.

I think the mars is obstructing the venus.

I love all my friends. Seeing them in this state sadden me. My sis crying hysterically pains me.

I just wish I'm some happy gas that spread happiness around.

The Whining Fat Cow
12:18 AM

0 Bites!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


I've been hooked onto this webby ever since my classmate started playing it...

Tons of games in it.

Loving it.



The Whining Fat Cow
10:12 PM

0 Bites!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


What do guys think of females being clever?

Do they feel that they:-

Don't know anything but pretend to know everything?


Awe of them?

Any answers?

Question from law tutorial.

What has maternity leaves got to do with Ministry of Finance?

I think I answered it pretty well.

Way to go, girl!

Why is it that sometimes we human knowing that our actions will ultimately affect some one else emotions, be it a boyfriend, friend, family and yet we still chose to do it?

If you are down and low, feeling helpless and hopeless, do you feel lonely no matter how many friends you have around you?

well, I do.

What a negative thought. Sheese!

The Whining Fat Cow
9:55 PM

0 Bites!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Where my farmer?

After reading 'Tuesday with Morrie', I've come to realize that in life, everyone of us need to have a teacher to teach us about life.

Although I somehow find the book a little too grand for me. Why do I say so? Well, 1stly, Morrie is 70 years old and is down with ALS (a illness which I have no idea how to explain). He have been through life like every one of us went through. The experience he gain from time isn't something that my age can obtain.

I need a teacher in life too. To tell me what's right, what's wrong. What best when I'm caught inbetween the crossroads.

Life's been tough on me cow girl. She going through an ordeal like any other girl in relationship. I guess we learn when we fall. The depression, the helplessness is what everyone experience. No matter how I wish she'll brighten up, but I guess it's something she has to do it willingly through time. All I can do is to walk her out of it with many other cows.

Life's an ass. What to do when we are part of the nature and not above it.


The Whining Fat Cow
11:31 PM

0 Bites!