Thursday, August 30, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

The power of new shoe.

White shoe, do I hear wedding bells ringing?

The great desire to look good in a new pair of shoe, is crazy. I've totally picked the wrong day to wear it.

The bimbotic side of me forgot that I would be walking the whole bloody day today searching for overdue presents. If I can say, I probably ran the whole of Singapore today.

First to Suntec City for S-Cow errands. Then to Marina Square for lunch. Then to Jurong point for her straws (for stars). Then to Toa Payoh.

Sigh! I'll never learn my lesson.

Right heels.

Left heels.

I had such a hard time showering due to my left leg. Through the whole shower, I swear, for a minute there I bet I look good in pink. Think Flamingo. I was standing like a Flamingo throughout after the 1st droplet of water touch my blister that reveal flesh.

That stinging pain was the hardest to bear. In Fact the pain was so shocking and painful the I jumped. I'm surprised I did not taste blood when I bite hard on my lower lips.

Yes, yes, I've got myself to blame.

Enough of that. Since my birthday is drawing near, some of my friends are already asking me what do I actually want. And since my wish list items are all freaking expensive, I'm told to add more stuff to it.

So here's it.

What I really hope for is YSL concealer. The rest of the item are stuff that I want but not need. YSL concealer is something I want and need, since my MAC concealer is like 2 yrs old. (YES Horrible. I Know).

Next, I really like reading. So Book vouchers from Borders, Times and MPH for me will be nice. Especially Borders.

Or, (since most of you know that I'm a potter freak) here's something that you do not know. I play Harry Potter games too.

Haha, Sicko right!.Ya, tell me about it. hee.

Since I've cleared the 1st 2 of the series, maybe you guys can get the rest for me that is suitable for PC usage. (plus it's holiday and It's a great thing to do to kill time.)

Here's another, You can always get me a small handbag.

Something like that but without the oriental look. Whenever I bring this out, It's like Chinese New Year all over again.

If you can't afford, Birthday cards will do just fine. =) Add in some funny stuff about what u think about me or the what nots, that makes me laugh would be great. So that when I read it over and over again, it will still crack me up.

So there you go.

As for my cliques, You guys better turn up at my place on 9th of sept. Else, you shall die a horrible death.

Got to go now. Tomorrow is another long day. Collecting money from my peers for another friend birthday present.

Loan shark of the day. A pretty one though. HAHA!

P/S. Am really glad that Ade-kins was surprised with what we bought her. A Creative Mp3, 2Gb. She's totally loving it. Well, That's what I hope.

The Whining Fat Cow
10:44 PM

0 Bites!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

I'm Back~


It's really been days since I last touch my Notebook. =)

Exams are Over! and Cheers to 2 months Vacations!!

Apart from the gastric pain that I'm really trying hard to endure, I think all is well.

The papers are fine, and my grams is alright after she fell down(learnt a couple more things from her again). Old is definitely gold.

Till later.

The Whining Fat Cow
6:25 PM

0 Bites!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Your Working Style

You have a great deal of warmth, but may not show it until you know a person well. You keep your warm side inside, like a fur-lined coat. When you are care, you care deeply, but are more likely to show your feeling by deeds rather than words. You are very faithful to duties and obligations related to things or people you care about.

You take a very personal approach to life, judging everything by your inner ideals and personal values. You stick to your values with passionate conviction, but can be influenced by someone you care deeply about. Although your inner loyalties and ideals govern your lives, you find these hard to talk about. Your deepest feelings are seldom expressed; your inner tenderness is masked by quiet reserve.

In everyday activities you are tolerant, open-mind, flexible, and adaptable. If one of your inner loyalties is threatened, though, you will not give and inch. You usually enjoy the present moment, and do not like to spoil it by rushing to get thing done. You have little wish to impress or dominate. The people you prize the most are those who take the time to understand your values and the goals you are working toward.

You are interested mainly in the realities brought to you by your senses, both inner and outer. You are apt to enjoy fields where taste, discrimination, and a sense of beauty and proportion are important. You have a special love of nature and a sympathy with animals. You often excel in craftsmanship and the work of your hands is usually more eloquent than words.

You are twice as good when working at a job that you believe in, since your feeling adds energy to your efforts. You see the needs of the moment and try to meet them. You want your work to contribute to something that matters to you-- human understanding, happiness, or health. You want to have a purpose beyond your paycheck, no matter how big the check. You are perfectionists whenever you deeply care about something, and are particularly suited for work that requires both devotion and a large measure of adaptability.

The problem for you is that you may feel such a contrast between your inner ideals and your actual accomplishments that you may burden yourself with a sense of inadequacy. This can be true even when you are being as effective as others. You take for granted anything you do well and are the most modest of all the types, tending to underrate and understate yourself.

It is important for you to find practical ways to express your ideals; otherwise you will keep dreaming of the impossible and accomplish very little. If you find no actions to express your ideal, you can become too sensitive and vulnerable, with dwindling confidence in life and in yourself. Actually, you have much to give and need only to find the spot where you are needed.

Click here for quiz.

The Real You

Here is the analysis:

  1. You've got great self-confidence and you're full of charm. Most guys who get to know you will be attracted to you. You are far from sweet and proper; your intriguing personality fascinates them. Most guys find it easy to fall for a girl like you.
  2. You really care about other people's feelings and are quite serious about the issues that affect your life. You are sincere, and your concern for the well-being of others makes many people want to be your friend.
  3. You are a bright, cheerful and bubbly person. You are thoughtful and considerate, and like to have fun. Everybody feels comfortable around you because of your pleasant nature. When you walk into a room, people's eyes are likely to be drawn to you because of your charm.
  4. Your peers think of you as a fun person, but sometimes you can be a little irresponsible. You can be somewhat childish, and can try to ignore the fact that you will one day need to really grow up and be a mature adult! Perhaps you could start reading good books; they might help you look at the world in a different light. You do want to be taken seriously, right?
  5. Your boyfriend believes that you are a strong and independent person. Your confidence and cheerfulness make you an attractive person to be around, but sometimes you need to pay more attention to what other people, including your boyfriend, are thinking.
Click here for quiz.

The Whining Fat Cow
10:56 PM

0 Bites!

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Running Away


Is a car a necessity or a luxury?

Don't lie and say that it's OK.
It's alright here, there's nothing more to say.
So I'm running away.
I'm leaving this place.
Yeah, I'm running away.
I'm running away.

Don't tell me, I don't want to play.
It's too late for you to make me stay.
No, I won't stay.
So I'm running away.
I'm leaving this place.
Yeah, I'm running away.
I'm running away.

And faster than you can follow me from this lonely place.
And farther than you can find me, I'm leaving
Yeah I'm leaving today.
And I, I'll never let you find me.
I'm leaving you behind with the past
No, I won't look back.
And I don't want to hear your reasons.
Don't want to hear you tell me why I should stay.

And try, and try to understand me
And try to understand what I say when I say I can't stay
I, I'm moving on from this place
I'm leaving and I won't quit running away.

I'm running away.
I'm leaving this place.
Yeah, I'm running away.
I'm running away.

The Whining Fat Cow
10:16 PM

0 Bites!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Funky Video

On my bus ride home today, I suddenly have this urge to adopt a new value in my life. However, it's gonna make me look cocky, arrogant, bitchy and the saddest person on earth.

There's so many a time that I seem to be explaining my actions and such to people, so much so that it seems defensive which may turn out to be a pile of nonsensical excuses and fat load of junk.

And then I remembered, A lecturer of mine once said, explanation is pointless and redundant. People who believes you, need not hear your explanation and they accept whatever fault you did/have (that is not morally/lawfully wrong, of course) and those that don't, no matter how much you explain to them you are still wrong.

But does it really goes that way?

If I would to really adopt that, what will become of me?

Part of me would probably feel so at peace for whatever rumors people are spreading or backstabbing, I'm immured to it. The other part of me would be having no friends around me and I'll be shopping, watching movie and such, alone.

Alas~! Life and it's complication. Who said living is easy?

I guess I will use this value of certain 'special' situation.

After all, we human are playing different role at all time. The role at home, the role with close friends, the role as a daughter, the role as a sister, the role as a cousin, the role with your enemy, the role of a granddaughter and etc etc. Every situation calls for a different role.

The situation that we are at, make us who we are.

Away with that, This video really made my day. I almost die laughing. I was actually laughing uproariously till my sister came in with a 'what-the-heck-was-that-laugh-for' look.

Maybe to you guys, it might not seems as funny as I felt. But never in my 20 years of life, I would imagine G-Cow like that. Damn I can watch this a million time and still laugh.

Thanks G-Cow. It really made my day. This one of the best commercial ever.(apart form the 1 I saw in psycho, but it's another story for another day)


The Whining Fat Cow
12:02 AM

0 Bites!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Happy Feeling

I really wish this happy feeling of mine, never goes away.

It's really funny, how I woke up this morning feeling all light and floaty. Went to school at 3pm with a straight face and not making any eye-contact with anyone walking by. And came back feeling all happy, was practically skipping my way back home.

While I was on my way home, I was thinking what and how am I going to structure my post to blog. Should I say I'm so happy that any bad news that come smacking into my face I'll still face it with a smile? Then I thought of several example, Deaths, Bad grades, Lost etc. Eventually I figure, nope all this will dampen my spirit for SURE.

So Heck! I'm happy. You can all me a slut, a bitch and whatever is in your dictionary, I'll still be happy.

The weather is nice, even it looks gloomy. The wind caressing my face so gently. Smiling all the way home to myself even when I looked like I just crawled through a series of sewage pipes. Even the music played on the radio are all happy and jumpy (Usually I find the song sucky). The DJ(s) are extremely funny today.

If you were to ask me why am I so happy today, I'll tell you everything makes me happy today.

No more Law CDS, no more seeing the guy is my Law CDS who tend to give me the creep, no more project, no more Lessons ( but self revision for exam), holiday is just round the corner,
the weather. Everything.

Even though I know that this happy feeling never last long. Since, whenever I'm feeling over the moon, I'll be disappointed eventually. Give it 2 hours and you'll see me all nutty again.



P/s: What gets bigger when you take more of it out? (hee Hee)

A Hole, Silly!

The Whining Fat Cow
4:19 PM

0 Bites!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

I Like

I Like...

Seeing the ripple caused by the rain on wet ground puddled with water.

The smell of rain when it hit the ground.

The droplets cascading down the window of the bus.

The sound of rain hitting against the surface of a car while I'm in it.

The sky teeming with clouds that looks like fluffy animal.

The sounds of bird chipping away in the wee morning.

The cool and crisp air in my face before the sun raises.

Friendly smiles on stranger faces early in the morning,

The orange ray of light shining into my room when the sun sets.

The quietness of my little room when I'm feeling really down and low.

The little tears flowing down when I am feeling horrible.

The day that I'm not scratching madly caused of my rash.

The sensation I get when bitting into a ice cream.

And Most importantly







I like the day when I am freed from all project~!!


The Whining Fat Cow
6:45 PM

0 Bites!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Same Girl

This MV really crack me up. Haha

Verse 1:
Yo Ush
What up Kels
Wanna introduce you to this girl, think I really love this girl
Man she so fine
Straight up dawg
She stand about 5’4” coke cola red bone
She drives a black Durango license plate say “Angel” tattoo on her ankle
Plus she’s making pay so she got a crib on Peace street right on 17th street
And I call her “TT”
Wait a minute hold on dawg do she got a kid?
Love Some Waffle House?
Do she got a beauty mark on her left side of her mouth
Went to Georgia Tech
Works for TBS
And I can’t believe this chick… damn… mm
Tell me whats wrong dawg, what the hell you damning about
Im your homie so just say whats on your mind
Man I didn’t know that you where talking about her
So man your telling me you know her
I know her like a pastor know his word

We messing with the same girl same girl
How could the love of my life, and my potential wife be the
Same girl same girl
Man I can’t believe that we’ve been messing with the
Same girl same girl
Thought she someone that I can trust
but she’s been doubling up it on us
You can’t, man we’ve been messing with the same girl

Verse 2:
See I met her at this party in Atlanta
Well I met her at this party in Chicago
She came right up to me given me conversation
I said do you got a man she sad no, with no hesitation
Well it must be a music thing cause she said the same to me
With a party all in my face, when I’m laughin and buyin her drinks

And she whispered in my ear and said can you take me home
Me too
Man she was in the Chi singin that same song
Is that true
And I thought it was true confession when she said
I love you
Man I thought her body was calling when she said
I want you
Look I even got some pictures on my phone
Look at there how shes is with some boys shorts on

We messing with the same girl same girl
She’s the apple of my eye, and my potential wife be the
Same girl same girl
Man I can’t believe that we’ve been messing around with the same damn girl
Same girl same girl
Thought she someone that I can trust
but she’s been doubling up with both of us
You can’t, man we’ve been messing with the same girl

She said she got me on ringtone
Are you talking about the pink phone
Mm-mm the blue one
Man she told me that one was turned off
Its obvious that shes been playing us playing us
Or constantly she’s been lyin to us lyin to us
Don’t like the way that she’s been goin bout it goin bout it
Kels what do you think we should do about it do about it
Well call her up at her home, she won’t know that Im on the phone
Yeah man that’s the way
Homie we about to bust this trick
Man just ask her to met up with you and Im gonna show up too
And then she wouldn’t know what to do
Well be standing there singing

We messing with the same girl same girl
She’s was the apple of my eye, and your potential wife the
Same girl same girl
I can’t believe that we’ve been messing with the same girl
Same girl same girl
Shes gonna looks so stupid when see us together
You can’t, man we’ve been messing with the same girl
See she was taken flights going back and forth
I would pick her up at the Airport
Man I really can’t believe the
Same girl same girl
Hey…. The same girl same girl

The Whining Fat Cow
7:24 PM

0 Bites!

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Cousin Wan Ling Wedding.

@ Ritz Carlton.

Anymore wedding, my dad will have to rob the bank already. All the more better for me.

Shark fin, Abalone, scallop, and the likes. One can never get enough of it.

Clockwise:Me, Cousy Yi shen, Alden, my brother(he can never take a proper pitcure), Cousy Ling Yi and Cousy Jing Yi.

The 2 cousin I've been playing since young!

Biao Jie Fu (cousin-in-law?), Ling Yi, Cousin wang ling, Jing Yi, Me and Yi Sheng.

Sister and the 2 youngest of my generation

Handsome? Future doctor to be hee!

Sisters! Yes I know she's prettier, so enough already.

The sister of my handsome cousin. 2 of my Fave and closest cousins.
Oh! How I miss those days.

Bad take of self timer.

6 kids, 2 family. Imagine having 9 of this.

Went back home with a stomachache. Apparently my sis, lise and me all have stomach. Too much good food.

On a total different note, I want Nintendo DS lite. EEEEEEEE...


The Whining Fat Cow
3:10 PM

0 Bites!

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Bunny game.


New high score at 7pm. Can't believe I'm so lame

x.Click to enlarge.x

Hmm.. Flu gives me wings~

The Whining Fat Cow
4:26 PM

0 Bites!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

5 words.

Sick. Flu. Cough. Voiceless. Stress!

The Whining Fat Cow
12:49 AM

0 Bites!

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

E-Cow's Day Eve

Before I get started,

Happy Birthday Edwin!

Was out with my herd of cute cow-ies yesterday. Miss them so much, so much. Our one and only group photo taken yesterday was so blur and when I continuously ask them whether do they wanna take one more but none answered me. Was pretty upset about it. So, no big group picture.

Together with A-Cow, S-Cow and C-Cow.

B-Cow, Z-Cow, E-Cow and G-Cow.

Trying to Act cool. But in my opinion, fail miserably. Ha Ha!

Dining @ BB

Shrieking and Screaming game(by the girls of cos).

C-cow, so cute. She don't do this often, you know.

Caught 'The Simpsons' right after Dinner. It's the lamest movie I've watch this year but nonetheless it was funny. Funny but not hilarious.

Got home with a soar throat which is still painful now. With a the projects and stress, it's a wonder I only fall sick now. I thought I would have gotten ill much early.

Got to head back to my project work already. Later!


The Whining Fat Cow
1:49 PM

0 Bites!

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.


Apparently, A mother of my present student, introduced me to her friend. She called me up asking me about the price.

And guess what did she asked?

No, not discount. Wait, she did asked for discount. Typical.

Anyway, she asked me.. "Got guarantee result will improve not?"


You tell me, this kind of thing how to guarantee? Even if I were to go get a facial product that costs 70 bucks, there is also no guarantee that my complexion would be flawless and never be oily or pimples again. Or, I go get a product from OSIM, the sales person there will also die, die not guarantee me anything.

Plus, for tuition, it doesn't all depend on me. Even if I play my part and the kid does not, then what? Am I to be blamed?


The Whining Fat Cow
5:36 PM

0 Bites!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Chomp MooOoOoo~ Chomp.

Legs - nonsensical rambling

After having the Eczema rash on my legs, It suddenly dawn on me that legs are very important, to me that is.

Yes I know legs are important no matter what as it allow us to travel from point A to B. But what I'm saying is that it should also look nice.

Scar free.

Bimbotic right? But still I know you guys think so too. Maybe it's just for the girls. I was on the bus today and was sitting on the rear of the bus when I saw this guy in Bermudas. He's quite tan and has a pair of leg that is free of leg hair. I'm fine with that since I have a guy friend without leg hair and mind you he has got a nice pair of leg. Right E-cow a.k.a winwincow. Ha Ha!

So anyway, the guy on the bus ( let's name him kiwi ), I was sitting opposite him and I saw his legs. It has scars all over. My guess is, it is either mosquito bite, it itches and he scratch it or is that he was beaten by bed bug, it itchy and he scratch it. Leaving scars, so many scars on his legs. A friend of mine will call it 'war zone aftermath' as some one from my past has the same problem. Mean right, I know and I did chided him whenever he says that. It's not as if they want it to happen on them. Seriously, who would.

At that precise moment, I was thinking what if it happens to me? What will I do? and instantly I got my answer.

Depression. Traumatize. Jeans for the rest of my life.

Skirt and shorts are my life.

Kiwi wasn't exactly that bad looking. he's the normal average guy we would see anywhere. And I asked myself, 'Would I be able to have a boyfriend who have this 'problem'?' As superficial as it seems, I doubt I can. Unless, of course I'm really crazy and insanely in love with him to the point of stalker-ish. But I can't.

I'm so superficial.

Since I'm talking about legs, I've come to realize that so many female that I've seen, the way they sit it is so obscene. They have their legs wide open.

Coincidentally, there was this girl sitting beside kiwi, she has he legs opened as wide as kiwi's. Come on la, I know she's in jeans but then again she's a girl. shouldn't she as least sit properly outside? If she sit that way at home then it's ok la. Sometimes I do that too, although I will always get scolded for it. She's in the public after all.

Today's bus trip home was damn uncomfortable. Apart from my thought running wild, and seeing the girl who opened her leg so wide while sitting, there was this 3 Chinese girl around me. Small girl, wannabe lians. Even with music blasting into my ear, I could still hear them talking about a fight that just happened, some things ('tai ji'- in dialect) to settle blah blah. Their hands were waving in front of me. Passing things in front of me, causing me to duck my head like a chicken to prevent from getting hit.

Urban irritating.

I remembered those time when I actually did those. Now I know how the person felt. Super irritated. At least I did apologize.

Ugh! long day.

Wednesday blues. Never in my life I love Wednesday. Never.

P/S. Some parent approach me to tutor their Primary 4 son, 8 lesson per month, 1h 30 per lesson, $100. But then being the Samaritans, I offered to charge her 8 lesson per month, 1 hour per lesson, $100. Still making a lose but that's not a problem. What I fear most is that she wouldn't pay me at all.

What have I got myself into?

The Whining Fat Cow
5:49 PM

0 Bites!